Hello,” he said, “I'm Kakashi Hatake. What is your name?” He asked.

K...kasumi.” I said still not sure whether to trust this man fully.

Hn? No last name?” he asked.

N-no...I don't think I ever got one.” I answered honestly.

Well,” he said smiling, “How would you like to become Kasumi Hatake?”

My face lit up into a huge smile. I think this is the only time I have ever been this happy!

Y..you mean, t-that I'll get to be y-your daughter?” I asked making sure I wasn't hearing things.

He smiled, “Only if you want too,”

You really mean it? Your not j-joking?” I asked still unsure of what to say.

I mean it, every word,”

Then...yes!” I said with a grin as I jumped up and hugged him.

Wohoo,” he laughed as he hugged me back. 

---end of flashback---

I let a smile form on my face at the memory.

I'm still grateful to Kakashi, I mean he took me in when no one else wanted me, he argued with the Hokage to keep me and train me. And now here I am.

I became a Jōnin at the age of 6 and it's been 6 years since then. I'm now twelve and am known to be one of the strongest ninja's in the village.

I smirked as we got closer and closer to the village. Another mission success! Which means.....dad is buying me dinner! Whoop whoop!

I think Asuma noticed I was smiling a little to much since he smirked aswell before asking me,

“What's so amazing Kasumi?” 

“Since we finished the mission earlier then expected, dad's buying me dinner!” I sang.

He laughed.

“Well that's good for you! Do I get dinner too?” he asked with a hopeful look on his face.

“Nope!” I laughed, “It's just me and dad tonight!”

He pretended to cry but I just laughed as the village came into sight.


After we had reported to the Hokage, I made my way back home. I wonder whether dad's even home. He better be! I laughed to myself as I leaped from building to building.

Once I reached my house, I found a window open.

YAY! I thought, he must be home!

I hopped through the window only to find dad packing.

“Hey dad!” I said laughing as I jumped on his back.

“Oh your home already?” he asked not surprised at all as he pulled me off his back and into a hug.

“Haha yep! Which means.....You owe me dinner!” I giggled as I danced off to my room to unpack.

“I guess I do,” he laughed and as I just dumped my bag on my bed, which is my way of unpacking, I came back only to find dad about to leave.

“Sorry kiddo, I got a mission.” He said with what looked like an apologetic smile behind that mask.

My face instantly fell.

Kakashi's daughter, is in love with Kiba!? (naruto fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя