Nothin' But Pride

Start from the beginning

Jennifer eyed it speculatively. From here, she could see down two sides and both contained high fences, even higher than one would normally see on a construction site. In addition to the fences themselves, large banners covered everything, proclaiming that this was the site of a future Gibborim school and that the Pride were the major sponsors. Other signs declared that the work was being carried out by Wilder Constructions.

From the street, there was absolutely no way that one could see inside the area. On top of that, a pair of security guards sat in a booth beside the only entrance.

"This security seems a little over the top," Pietro commented from the backseat.

"Has it always been like this, Dad?" Jennifer asked.

"Yep," William replied. "From what my buddies on the force have told me, that fencing went up even before the first clod of dirt was turned."

"Tony, what's the view from up top?" Jennifer asked.

"If they're building a school, they're doing a really poor job of it," Tony replied over the comms. "There's a lot of machinery, but not much actual building work. And the kids were right, the main focus is a massive hole in the ground."

"How deep is this hole?" Thor asked.

"Friday's sensors have it measured at three hundred and nine metres."

William whistled. "Straight down? What in the world would have them digging that deep?"

"Sorry, Dad, the less you know, the better," Jennifer apologised. "Just know that this is serious."

"Well, I got that, Baby," William smiled. "Why else would you and your friends be here. I know what the world's view is on you and the Avengers. The Accords may be defunct, but there's a lot of people still wary of you lot."

"What's the plan?" Carol asked.

"We need to get down there and without them realising that we're doing so," Tony stated.

"Stark, you and Pietro need to take out any guards or workers in there so that we can operate freely," Thor stated.

"How many are we looking at?" Pietro asked.

"Sending the details to your pad now," Tony replied.

Jennifer twisted in her seat so that she could see the pad that Pietro was holding. At his tap, an image appeared showing the entire construction site with figures highlighted in red.

"Fourteen. Huh, thought there'd be more," Pietro commented. "When do you want to do this?"

"I'm already on my way while you're sitting around talking about it," Tony replied.

A fierce breeze followed by the car door swinging about by itself indicated that Quicksilver had raced off to do his part.

"Da-mn!" William said, drawing out the word. "I can see why he's here. Or not, actually. What's your role, Jenn?"

Jennifer grimaced. "Back up. I get to sit out here and let the others deal with it. I only go in if something goes wrong."

"Great!" William beamed, throwing his arm around his daughter. "That gives you and me some time to catch up."

Absently, Jennifer nodded, her eyes never leaving the pad in her hands and the rapidly disappearing red figures on it. Within two minutes, there wasn't a single conscious security guard or worker in there and the ones outside were none the wiser.


"All clear!" Tony called, allowing Sneaky to become visible.

A streak appeared in front of him, resolving itself into Pietro sliding on the dirt and coming to a stop. A pair of figures shooting across the sky caught Tony's attention and he watched as Thor and Carol appeared, landing simultaneously beside him.

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