chapter one

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(one year, 3 months earlier)

his brown eyes stayed low to the ground, focusing on the swift movement of his converse-clad feet against the hard tile. his purple-mixed, almond-shaded bangs hung from his head, helping to keep his face hidden from the new population of kids who would absolutely love to torment him.

Glancing up for only a second to see where he was, the vibrant light hit his deep brown eyes, causing a hiss to escape his chapped lips, stopping him dead in his tracks. Behind him, he swore he could hear snickers from the other kids, his fingers clenching into a knuckle-whitening fist in response to the nervous energy.

"I wouldn't pay them any attention!" A cheeky toned voice sounded suddenly in his ear, causing him to stumble back a step, his heart pounding in his chest, now underneath a quivering hand.

"Oh, I'm sorry, kiddo! Didn't mean to scare you. Say, aren't you the new kid?" The lighter brown-haired teen questioned. Virgil noticed that he was rubbing the back of his neck nervously, so, he gave him a subtle nod. Another shaky chuckle came from the other, calming Virgil a little bit.

"Great! I'm Patton Sanders!" Introducing himself, he held his hand out, waiting for the same in return. Virgil, through his messy hair, glanced down at the outstretched hand, then back at Patton.

"I- I'm Virgil." He stuttered, mentally cursing himself and his anxiety as he let his sleeve covered hand shake the energetic teens.

"It's so wonderful to meet you! Come this way, you can meet my friends!" Patton exclaimed, though barely giving him a chance to answer before zig-zagging him through the crowded, but slowly dispersing, hallways.

After a few moments of fighting through the crowd, they finally reached a secluded area of very few lockers where two other boys stood.

"Kiddos, look! I found the new kid!" The words left; to Virgil, anyways, an awkward silence hanging in the air as his breathing slowly stilled. The one boy, who wore glasses similar to Pattons, but wore a neatly pressed black button-up, khaki pants, a blue tie, and kept his hair neatly in place, closed the book he was reading and looked up.

"Salutations! I'm Logan Dunn. Behind me," he motioned backwards at the other, "is Roman Prince. And you are?" He asked, his words carrying a professional tone. It seemed his eyes were also studying him, causing a shiver in response from the very anxious Virgil.

"His names Virgil!" Patton, a bit overexcited, bounced on his two feet, a smile lightening his entire face. Virgil thought that was cute, however silly it was for a teenager.

"Patton, as much as I appreciate the enthusiasm, let the boy respond." Logan stated, tone chill. The boy quit jumping, instead letting his lips curve into the slightest frown.

"Now, as I was saying... Please, tell us more about yourself." He averted his attention back to the anxious boy, who felt his heartbeat pick up the pace.

"Uhm, I- I'm Virgil, Virgil Anx, I'm originally, originally from Georgia but my dad... he, uh... he got a new job, yeah. He moved us down here." Virgil kept his eyes focused on a loose thread from his sleeve.

"Which class do you have first?" Logan proceeded to ask, jotting some notes into a journal he had, Virgil's eyes growing wide. Fumbling in the front pocket of his skinny jeans, he grabbed out a wad of papers.

An old poem? Nope. An unfinished drawing? Not it. Aha, the schedule! Unfolding it, he squinted his eyes at the sloppy writing.

"Drama?" It came out more a question than a statement. Patton, once more, let out a little squeal. Logan have him a stern look, quieting him instantly.

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