Chapter 6 - Quite an Expert

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Ginny POV

Monday had been a long day, and I was just thinking about the mountain of work I had, as I waited for Collin. I had agreed to meet him outside the library so we could study for our transfiguration exam on Wednesday. After a few minutes, he still wasn't here, so I decided to go in and find a table, and he could come in and find me. As I walked into the library it was fairly full, although there was one free table right at the back so I went to sit there as I waited for Collin. I was getting out my books went a scrunched up piece of parchment landed on my table. I picked it up and unfolded it, it said:

Why are you sitting by yourself like a loner?

Did you not want to sit with us because we are too good looking?


I turned around and saw Blaise and Draco sat two tables away grinning. Well, Blaise was grinning, Draco was scowling. I put the note to one side and got out my books as Collin came and sat next to me,

"Sorry I'm so late, I was helping Neville find Trevor, he was loose in the common room!" He panted, clearly out of breath from running here,

"It's ok! It's lucky I got here a bit early to get us this table or we might not have had anywhere to sit!" I laughed and flicked through my book, looking for some notes to help me revise, when another scrunched up piece of parchment landed on the table. I unscrunched it,

Oh, you were waiting for your boyfriend, we understand now.

Don't let us get in your way.

If you need any advice you know where to come although we both know you're quite the expert ;)

"What's that?" Collin asked

"Ugh, nothing!" I sighed but he grabbed he parchment before I could stop him,

"I-I'm not your b-b"

"I know you're not my boyfriend Collin! Don't worry! They're just being idiots!"

"Who's 'they'" he asked, I didn't want to answer because I know he'd get the wrong impression, but I did anyway,

"Blaise and Draco" I said attempting to brush it off but he continued,

"Have you" he paused, blushing "kissed them?" He quietened to a whisper,

"Ok, I'm only telling you this because you're one of my best friends, but yes I have kissed them, but I didn't want to! It was more they kissed me!"

I did not expect his reaction, he burst out laughing!

"What? What is it? What's funny??" I said, slightly annoyed,

"Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini have kissed Ginny Weasley!" As he said that, I saw the funny side, and started laughing myself, that was until we were shushed.

Just then, Seamus ran into the library shouting,

"Where's McGonagall? WHERE?" He was panicking, "Ha- Harry Potter has been ta-taken, I don't know where, but there was blood and- and- blood!!" He burst into tears

"Someone get McGonagall!" And he fainted.

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