Chapter 4 - Ugly Pug

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Ginny POV

I lay in bed that night thinking about Draco Malfoy. I couldn't work him out, Blaise was easy to work out, but Malfoy wasn't. I'd always just seen him as a cold uncaring jerk and at times that was really all I could see, but when he gave me his cloak, when we were laughing in the snow, he just seemed different.

The next morning I got up surprisingly early for a Sunday. I quickly showered and dressed, pulling my wild hair into a messy bun. I walked down to the great hall for breakfast and saw Hermione was already there. I was about to walk over to her when I saw Blaise sitting alone, so instead I walked over and sat next to him.

"So now you've decided to sit next to me?" He questioned with a face of mock disgust,

"Why? Would you prefer it if I sat on you?" I laughed

"Well, now that is an interesting question, do you want me to answer honestly?"

"Shut up and pass me the scrambled egg." He did as I asked and we continued chatting for a while. Just then Malfoy walked in with his famous sneer on his face, although I could see he faltered, if just for a second, when he saw me next to Blaise.

"Blaise, Wea- Ginny" he nodded to us,

"Dray, wait for me" Pansy ran in after him and when she saw me her ugly pug face somehow made an expression which made her look even more ugly!

"What's that ugly slut doing over here?" She looked at me,

"You're right, what are you doing over here Pansy?" Draco smirked at her as she trotted off to sit next Daphne Greengrass who comforted her, whilst glaring at us.

Malfoy sat down and started nibbling on a piece of toast, not even looking at me during the entire time he was sat there. After he had finished he got up,

"See you in Potions Blaise" he said and walked out.

I ignored him and continued talking to Blaise about my fathers obsession with muggles, when Harry Potter walked in with Ron. Ron went and sat next to Hermione briefly kissing her in the cheek before chatting to her, but Harry came straight over to me.

"Ginny, what are doing with this idiot?"

"Jealous that not every girl is obsessed over the boy who lived?" Blaise retorted

I ignored him and replied to Harry "Just talking to Blaise"

"Yeah well, we're here now, and Ron told me to tell you that he doesn't approve of you hanging around with Zabini."

"Ron can't just tell me what to do!"

"I know, I just passed it on, don't worry he's just being over protective, I'll just tell him that Blaise was giving you advice on your transfiguration essay" he said in a soft voice

"Thanks Harry" I smiled at him, I desperately wanted him to just pick me up and kiss me, but I knew that would never happen.

After he left Blaise groaned

"Oh my god, you really are desperate aren't you?" He grinned as I punched him "Wow, calm down, I'm gonna help you, see what you need to do, is get caught by Harry making out with someone, that way he'll see you as more mature!"

"Yeah, good plan, except, I'm not making out with you Blaise."

"Well, you made out with Draco?"

"No I- no, he just kissed me, that was not me." Blaise shushed me and told me to follow his lead, he grabbed my hand and laughed, very loudly, and pulled me out of the great hall, I did what he said and giggled along with him getting the attention of everyone in the hall, particularly Harry, Ron and Hermione.

Blaise looked behind us,

"See, They're following us, they want to know what we're up to" he paused before turning the corner so that we made sure they saw which way we went, we did the same just before we went into an empty classroom, he pulled me toward him

"Blaise..." I warned

He started kissing me just as Harry and Ron bust into the room, followed by Hermione.

"Ginny!" Ron spluttered as Blaise pulled away from me "What do you think you're doing?!"

"Calm down Weasley, she's not a little girl any more, she can do what she wants" Blaise said, grinning at me.

It had the desired effect, and Harry pulled Ron out of the classroom leaving just Blaise and me.


"Oh calm down, you're such a drama queen, I only kissed you, and anyway, Harry now knows what you're capable of!" He winked

"What is it with you Slytherins and casually kissing people?!" I frowned at him and stormed out,

"Ginny, Ginny, wait!" He ran after me, "Ginny, I was just helping you out ok? I won't do it again. We're still friends ok?"

"You just kissed me, and you think nothing of it!? How does that make me feel?"

"Oh get over yourself. You're a good kisser, but we're just friends! Now you can get Potter, just like you want!"

Not admitting that he was right I walked off, still angry at him.

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