Chapter 5 - Truce

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(Authors note: Big shoutout to bookrboss for the title suggestion, thank you!! Also, if anyone reads this, you are amazing, but please if there is anything that you like, or don't like, please please please tell me, so I can change it! Any feedback is great! 😇)

Draco POV

As I sat in potions, thinking about where I would find all the ingredients for a strengthening solution. Blaise strode in, a smirk on his face, even though he was 10 minutes late.

"Tardiness is not acceptable. 10 points from Slytherin" Slughorn said, clearly in a bad mood.

(A/N I have made Slughorn potions master, cos I've made McGonagall headmaster, and shape defence against the dark arts teacher, I know this isn't the same as the book, so sorry!)

"Where were you? You've just lost us 10 points. You better have a good reason!" I grumbled

"I just snogged Ginny Weasley" he said laughing as he caught Ron glaring at him.

"You did WHAT?" I said, a bit too loudly as a few heads turned,

"Not cos I like her! I was just helping her out, I made it so Potter walked in on us, so he would see her as more than just Weasley's sister, but boy it was worth it just for their faces" he chuckled, clearly he enjoyed himself.

Potions dragged on, but eventually it was over and I could relax until after lunch. I decided to go for a walk down by the lake as most students would still be in lessons so I figured it would be peaceful.

I pulled on my cloak and quickly put a heating charm on it. As I walked outside, the fresh winter air was refreshing. It was a frosty morning, and the sun was peaking through the clouds making everything sparkle. It was beautiful really. I got to the lake and sat down by an old tree.

"I see you've found my hiding place then" a familiar voice said, I looked around and a couple of metres away, Ginny Weasley was sat, like myself, leaning on a tree.

"Sorry, I didn't realise you were hear. I figured most people would have lessons now." I said, a little miffed that I wasn't going to be alone. With any luck though she's leave soon.

"I have muggle studies just before lunch, but until then, I'm free!" She said with a gleeful sigh,

"Don't you have some work to do before then?" I said hopefully


"Oh, great"

"Shut up, Malfoy! I can stay here just as long as I want!"

"What if I needed someone, desperately, to go and fetch my books, and take them to the library?" I smirked

"Then that's your problem." She did not give in,

"That would be the head boys problem, would it not?"

"Yes it would. Well done Malfoy, You've realised that you're head boy, next you'll realise that grass is green!"

"Alright Weasley, let me put it this way, if you don't leave. I'll put you in detention for a week, for...disruptive behaviour!" I frowned

"You wouldn't dare. Besides why do you care if I'm here, I wasn't going to talk to you anyway!"

"I would dare. Leave. Now. Go on. Run along" I sneered "you disgusting muggle lover" I realised a bit too late that I had gone back to mercilessly torturing her, but I couldn't help it. The look of hurt on her face stung a bit much and I immediately regretted it.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it"

"I know. You can't stop yourself once you've started. But just get it into your head. I'm not leaving. I'm staying here to enjoy the peace. So if you wouldn't mind kindly, shutting up , I would be eternally grateful" she said her sarcasm mocking me.

I don't know what I was thinking, but for some reason, I wanted to be closer to her, so I got up and sat next to her. I don't know why. Maybe it was the fact that she was so stubborn, or maybe it was because she knew I didn't mean what I said.

"We could be friends if you just stopped insulting me" she said quietly "Blaise has managed it!"

"No we couldn't. A Malfoy, friends with a Weasley. I don't think so"

"There we go again! Stop being so judgemental! Just forget about your stupid prejudices for one moment!"

"Ok. Ok I'm sorry. I'll try to stop insulting you. I suppose, if you are friends with Blaise, I'll have to get used to you at one point or another. Truce?" I said holding out my hand,

"Truce" she said, but instead of shaking my hand, she took my hand with the wrong hand, and just held it. It took me a moment to realise what she was doing, but once I had, it was ok. I thought. I could be friends with her if I wanted to be. I would just have to make sure not to insult her. That would be hard!

A/N - sorry it's so short!! But I hope you liked it! Please vote and comment if you did! :)

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