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At the airport Cheonsa and I get through security and on the plane without Jiyong. Although we haven't been hiding our relationship well or hiding Cheonsa we just don't want to start a commotion with all three of us walking through the airport.

Many media outlets have written articles about us and who I am and Cheonsa, but Jiyong has decided to just stay quiet, he says he doesn't have to nor want to say anything concerning his personal life and I respect that.

We don't wait too long for him to finally get on the plane. Jiyong made sure we flew privately.

"Daddy!" Cheonsa hugs him immediately.

"Hi babygirl," he kisses her cheek.

They both sit next to me, he leans over and pecks my lips.

"Ready!" I smile.

He lets out a sigh, "babe if it wasn't this situation I would be ecstatic to meet your parents, but considering the situation I'm nervous as hell. I'm afraid they'll hate me for what I've done to you and I wouldn't blame them."

I cup his cheek making him look at me, "Ji I know my parents are very understanding they won't judge you like that. Even if they did, if they turn out to hate you, they won't, but if they did it doesn't matter because it won't change how I feel for you. It doesn't matter what they think in the end because you're my boyfriend not theirs. No matter what happens I'll be on the plane right next to you going back home."

He stares into my eyes, he opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out. He leans forward and rests his forehead on mine.

I'm not as worried as him because I know my parents aren't judgmental they will try their best to understand the whole situation and accept Cheonsa and Jiyong.

The long flight from Korea to Seattle is spent talking, napping and watching movies. We finally land and find our way to the car Jiyong arranged to take us to my parents.

They were going to pick us up but Jiyong insisted we get a ride there so my parents wouldn't have to drive a half an hour to the airport. I think he just wants to stretch as much time as he can before meeting them.

He was able to get the car to pick us up in a private area so no one would bombard us.

Already strapping in Cheonsa, Jiyong is standing outside the car smoking a cigarette. I talk with Cheonsa (Author— I want to give Cheonsa a cute lil nickname like Cheonie but that sounds like underwear in Spanish sooo...idk bout that)
I talk with Cheonsa for a bit so he can finish but then I see him lighting up another. I walk to the other side of the car.

"Baby are you ready yet?"

"Yeah let me just finish this" he lifts his hand shaking the cigarette back and forth as if I didn't know that's what he was indicating.

I laugh a little and wrap my arms around his waist. "Ji everything is going to be okay" I lean up and peck his cheek.

He gives me a half assed nod but I know he's still in his head.

He finally smokes his cigarette until the very end, he pinches the cherry off with his fingers and puts the dead cigarette back in the box, I'm assuming because he doesn't want to litter the airport.

Just as I'm about to pull him into the car he tries to pull another out.

"No way chain smoker let's go" I grab the box.

"Babe c'mon just one more" he tries to take it out of my hands.

I put it behind my back, "Nope, you can smoke at the house. Let's go baby's been waiting in the car long enough"

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