Feather/Gilbert-Part 2

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Gilbert had never realized how much a simple baby monitor could do. It had been a couple of weeks since he and Ludwig had brought Kylie to their shared home in Berlin. They took turns watching her, with Ludwig watching over her in the day, and Gilbert taking the night shift of being with her. He decided that the baby monitor was necessary because he often fell asleep somewhere he wasn't supposed to, so he had bought a baby monitor, one that would beep to alert him of Kylie if she was in distress. She was still sickly, but nowhere near as bad as when she had been in America. She was such a little cuddle bug, either snuggling him, Gilbird, or Ludwig at one time or another. She was just the sweetest little thing, and it broke Gilbert's heart a bit to know that she had suffered. He poked his head into his room, which he was sharing with Kylie until he could whip something up for her to have as her own room. She was curled up against Gilbird, snuggling the yellow bird. "Aw, my little klind snuggling up to old Gilbird... they're so awesomely cute."..."Okay, Kylie, ready to take on your uncles?" "Ja, vwati." "No way she's beating the hero!" "Or the king of Northern Europe!" She used each part of her body to work the enormous controller. Soon the word "Winner" showed above Kylie's character. "I Wons!" "How did we lose to an almost 3 year old?!" Matthias said. "And one playing video games for the first time winning on her first try?!" Alfred added. Gilbert laughed his signature laugh as he scooped Kylie up and settled her on his knee. "It's cuz Mein Schatz is awesome like her vati! Isn't that right, Schätzchen?" "Ja! I wam aweswome lwike vwati!" "That's my girl."

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