Sunflower/Ivan-Part 2

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"Pwapa! Pwapa!" Her whispered words at the Russian's bedside and little tugs on his sheets were enough to wake him up. He groaned, rolling over and facing over the side of the bed to face her. She was standing there, clutching the stuffed bunny he had gotten her, looking up at his large bed and far too small to climb in herself. In the darkness but with moonlight streaming in from the window—he meant to close those curtains, must have forgotten—he could see the light reflecting off of her tear-stained face. "Moy rebenok, was it a night terror?" He leaned over, picking you up and sitting you in his lap. "Do not cry, little Kylie. It is over, da?" She tried nodding and wiping away the tears, but a sob made her bury her head in his chest. The large nation patted her back lightly with his thumb and lay back down with her snuggled up in the dip of his collarbone. The country was so big her teeny tiny body could fit into his cupped hands like an infant. But they both loved it. The nightmares had been occurring less and less now, but he still tended to cuddle her during naptime. At least. Really, there were times when he would randomly pick her up and cradle her like a baby. It was just his thing. "It is over," He said again, more softly this time. "The monsters are not going to be hurting you while Mother Russia is around!" Still, her body shook with cries that couldn't be stopped. "Please, Kylie…Stop crying. I hate it when you are sad. You are fine now. The nightmares do not come when you are being held like now, da? Look!" He took her almost microscopic hand in his, kissing it. "Ya tebya lyublyu. I love you, my Sunflower. Go back to sleep," He laid his hand down over his chest with yours in it. "You will not be getting hurt." "I-It wasn't just me being h-hurt!" She hiccuped. "It was y-you!" "Oh?" He rolled the two of them over on their sides so his nose and her body were touching. He understood what it was like to fear being hurt, but now he just felt flattered that she cared for him as well. Ivan gave her an Eskimo kiss against her little belly and said, "But I am Russia, Sunflower. I have been through many wars and survived all of them, da? You do not need to worry about me, because it is my job to care about you. And no one is going to be splitting either of us apart." She made a small satisfied sound and hiccuped. Then she yawned, relaxing further into his chest and holding her stuffed bunny tight. Russia didn't fully relax and sleep until he heard her steady breathing. And then he allowed himself to slip into unconsciousness...
"This is Latvia," Russia's hand pointed to the teenager, who nodded. "It is a pleasure to be finally meeting you. Officially." He looked up at you quickly, and then back down at the floor. "My human name is Raivis." "And Estonia. Or Eduard." The taller blonde man with glasses nodded to her and smiled. He was still upset a bit that she hadn't chosen their feather duster. But that was okay—Russia looked different. Happier. And so did she, in a good way. That was all Estonia cared about. "And you have met Mr. Lithuania! Also named Toris." Yes, she had…That one night, several months ago. When they were both drunk. He hadn't changed much at all, except for the sad look in his eyes when the two made eye contact. "Hello, little one. I…I know that our last meeting . . . Th-That wasn't being okay." He took something out of his bag, handing it to her. "This won’t make up for it, I know. But I do want you to know, nothing like that will ever be happening again. O-Okay?"
He had handed her a Tiny sized necklace. A pretty necklace. It looked old. The silver chain was dull and worn, and a stone heart was the centerpiece. "It's amber," He added, because she didn't actually know the stone name. "It was made in the nineteenth century. I…I found it while I was cleaning one of my storage rooms, and thought it would look better on you than in a museum." He honestly had no idea where it had come from. Maybe Poland? Either way, it was hers now. "Th-thwank ywou…Tworwis." She looked up from the simple yet beautiful necklace and smiled up at him. She managed to put it on, and marveled at how pretty it was. "It's rweally prwetty, thwank ywou!" It was that smile that was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

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