Hamburger wrapper/Alfred-Part 2

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Alfred rocked Kylie gently in his loving hands. She was such a sweet and adorable little girl. He literally had her life and trust right in the very palm of his hand, and there was just something about being trusted so much by something that looked to him for care, love, and protection. He managed to get some walkways along the walls of his home, (well this one in this state. He still had to get his other ones accommodated to Kylie), and stairs set up, so that she could have some ability to get around on her own. Her room had some Tiny sized things in it now, but she still liked the massive bed in there, so she could sleep with him when she had nightmares. "Hey, sweetie, what do you want to do today?" "Dwisney!!" Alfred chuckled, she greatly loved the Disney movies after he had her watch Beauty and the Beast, which he had showed her after Francis had sung "Be our guest" for her. "Okay, one Disney movie marathon coming up!" He tossed her gently into the air before tucking her in his breast pocket. He set about making everything ready; a blanket and pillow fort, the movies set in order of those with sequels, and those that didn't. A Coke for him, and orange juice for her, and to top it off, a nice big bowl of buttered popcorn. Once it was done, Alfred had settled in and set Kylie on the pillow by his face. He had popped in Disney's American Legends, since this way he could teach her a bit about his history. Eventually, hours later, she had managed to fall asleep through end credits of the Rescuers. "Aww, munchkin, you must have been exhausted." He cooed, tucking Kylie's sleeping form into his chest pocket once more and cleaned up. Then he headed up stairs and fell asleep in his bed, cradling her close to his beating heart... "Hey, thanks for coming along with us, though you didn't really have to." Kylie peeked out of her Daddy's pocket. They were out shopping, and her Uncle Arthur was with them as he had business with Alfred. "Well, I had to make sure you don't just get junk food." Arthur retorted. "Hey! Not everything me and Kylie eat is not junk food! Right, Kylie?" She giggled when he lightly tickled her. Minutes later, the three returned to the car. Arthur getting Kylie settled in and the groceries in, while Alfred ran the cart back. "Alright, Poppet, now let's get you all situated, and-" Arthur suddenly crumbled when something struck him in the back of the head. Kylie screamed as Arthur slumped unconscious onto seat. "Gotcha, you little shit." It was shop man. He found her again. "Dwaddy!DWADDY! DWADDYDWADDY!" "Kylie?!" She hear Alfred calling, but from too far away across the parking lot. She doesn't see it, but he comes running full tilt at shop man. She realized that her shop man would kill her for fighting back. Heck, for running away in the first place. But she didn't care. She wanted her Daddy—her Hero. "KYLIE?!" Alfred was closer now, and you could just barely see him turn a corner, running, as your Other Father exited the store. "KYLIE!" "DWADDY HWELP ME!" Furious tears streamed down her face. "HEY!" Alfred's voice took on a threatening angered tone. "LET GO OF HER!" This was screeched in a furious rage, as the Hero was losing the battle against the Villain. No one was there to stop either of  them, as this was at the far end and wasn't normally used. Britain had just come around, to see his little brother chasing down a Ford F-150. "YOU LET HER GO!" Alfred screeched furiously and desperately, trying in vain to chase the car with superhuman strength and speed as it raced away. "NO! No, NO NO NO!" And it was too late. She was gone. Her hero had failed her.... The other Tinies cringed as the shop door was thrown open, then slammed shut. Kylie was literally picked up and thrown back into her old cage. "S-Shwop—!" Her body crumpled, the breath knocked out of her. Marcus Verano's expression was an eerie calm as he shut the cage door, trapping the toddler in there. "That man who you ran away to, you ungrateful little bitch?" He bent down, pulling back his arm and slapping the cage as hard as he could and making her scream, whimpers escaping her lips as a red mark appeared on the cheek from hitting the cage floor. Soon to be a bruise. "You'll never see him again."
She sobbed harder as he turned around and left, locking the door behind him. "Quit your crying or I'll make you stop. No dinner for you tonight." He said outside the door, even sounding a bit drunk now. "You've gotten fuckin' fat." Not fat. She was just healthy.

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