Paint Brush/Feliciano-Part 1

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"Go ahead und choose, Kylie." Kylie dug around in the bag. Then she felt something that was both fuzzy and hard. She dragged it out: a paint brush. Instantly a happy "Ve~" erupted from the man that gave her some pasta. "That's-a mine, bella." "Oh, Mein Gott." The blonde groaned as the younger of the Italian brothers instantly up and chattering with the Tiny toddler. He would have to double his efforts of keeping an eye on the Italian, especially with a Tiny child in his hands. "Ciao Bella, my name's Feliciano, but you-a can call-a me Feli!" Feliciano said, even though he had already introduced himself the moment England had brought her in. "I'm Kwylwie." "Meeting adjourned. The next meeting is in France." "I expect to see the petit fille there!" "Take care, Love." Arthur said giving her a little kiss, despite her being covered in muck. "Would it be alright, if I visit often?" Arthur asked, taking his handkerchief off Kylie before handing her to the bubbly Italian. "Sì, of course Brita-er I mean, Arthur. You did-a find the little bambina after all." Arthur nodded once, giving one last goodbye, before heading out of the room. Feli had bounded over to two men. "Bella, these are my big brothers Lovino and Antonio. They're your new zii, Kylie!" She gazed up at the two men. One had dark brown hair and green eyes, the other had brown eyes hair a darker shade compared to her bubbly new Caretaker, and had a curl, but his was on the other side. "Ciao ragazzina, my-a fratello may-a be an-a idiot at-a times, but he-a has a good-a heart. He'll take-a care of-a you." "You are so precious, aren't you pequeño?" Antonio was completely lost to his fawning over her. "Let's get-a you-a all cleaned up."..... While Antonio and Romano had set about getting clothes for Kylie, Feliciano had taken her back to the hotel room he and Romano shared, and gotten her into a nice warm bath in the sink since she was so small. He paled a little bit at the sight of all her brusies and scars, but decided not to ask her about them until she felt more comfortable around him. She giggled and splashed at the bubbles, making Feliciano splash some with her. She really was precious. Soon she had been lifted up and wrapped in a fuzzy cloth, and cradled against the Italian's chest. Feliciano carried her back towards the bed, and tucked her in under the blanket. She shivered a bit and sneezed. "Oh, you're still-a sick, aren't-a you Tesoro?" "Yweah..." "I'll make-a you some-a pasta." With that, Feliciano went over to the stove to make his favorite food. Antonio and Lovino later returned with stuff for Kylie; clothes, toiletries, medicine and a cute little stuffed Kitty for her to cuddle. The four of them ate in comfortable silence, Kylie in her new Caretaker's lap. A knock came on the door, before the blonde man from the meeting came in with an albino man behind him. "Ve~Hey-a Germany-er, Ludwig!" "Oh, great the potato bastards..." "Romano, language! There is a niño present." Antonio scolded. Kylie tensed up, smelling the alcohol on the albino. "Dwon't lwet thwem hwurt me." All eyes fell on her when she said that. "They aren't going to hurt you, querido. Why would think they're going to hurt you?" "Thwey smwell lwike Swhop mwan..." Both of the Germanic brothers froze at that feeling guilty. "Ve aren't going to hurt you, frau." Kylie was listening, but was still shuffling closer to Feliciano. They made small talk with her, and eachother... Two beds, three people. Romano knew that his brother hated sleeping alone, and opted to keep her with him. She was so cold to the touch. Is cold to the touch. Hell, Romano could hear her tiny teeth chattering all the way from his side of the room. Feliciano was rocking her while murmuring sweet nothings in Italian. Romano got up and moved into the other bed. "It-a would-a help her-a more to get-a warmer." Romano reasoned. But truthfully, Romano realized that Kylie was already growing on him. So that night, the two Italian brothers and one Tiny toddler shared fell asleep in eachother's company.

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