Paint brush/ Feliciano-Part 2

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"Wuncle Lovwino...?" Romano perked up at the tiny voice calling his name. It had been nearly two weeks since Feliciano had brought Kylie back to their home in Rome. She was still rather sickly, but not as bad as she had been when they were at the meetings in America. The Southern Italian went over to his Tiny adopted niece, who was resting on the bed. He was watching Kylie while Feliciano had gone out to run some quick errands. And despite being younger and being usually a happy go lucky person, the Northern Italian gave his brother a fierce look when he told Romano to watch his language. One thing for sure was this...Feliciano was definitely scary when he wanted to be. "Si, what is it, Piccola ragazza?" He sat on the bed, facing the Tiny 2 year old curled up on the boulder sized pillow. Kylie looked up at her new uncle, staring at his eyes. "Ywou hwave rweally prwetty weyes." The Southern Italian blushed a bit, his curl forming a little heart. "Grazie, Bella, you are very cute yourself." Roman reached down to delicately stroke her hair, when Kylie suddenly wrapped her little hands around his thumb, and started cuddling it. Romano smiled softly as he shuffled to lie down beside her on the bed. He then wrapped the hand she was snuggling around and placed the other under his head. She gazed up through sleepy eyes. "I wuv ywou, wuncle Lovwi...." That did it. The Tiny child had officially melted the Southern Italian Nation's stone wall around his heart, and he smiled at the nickname he absolutely hated from anyone else, but he would only let her say his nickname, and her alone. He kissed her lightly on top of her little head. "Ti amo anch'io, mio ​​piccolo pomodoro...I love you too, Kylie..."...."Fratello, Kylie, I'm-a back." Feliciano called as he walked in the door with Spain behind him. "Romano? Kylie?" The two looked at eachother before heading upstairs to check the bedroom. They opened the door, and they were smiling at the adorable sight they were met with. Lovino was sound asleep in the bed, cradling Kylie, who was also asleep, against his chest lovingly. Both of them were unconsciously nuzzling each other. Antonio nearly squealed at the cuteness, while Feliciano just smiled, knowing without a doubt that Kylie had instantly brought out the goodness in Romano that he knew had always been there...."You're looking so much better, Love." Arthur murmured as he held Kylie. The toddler merely snuggling close. "Si, the weather here has been good for her health." Feliciano said. England had come to visit Kylie in Italy, and her illness was almost completely gone with the exception of slight coughing fits every now and then. "She's also been-a learning some-a words in-a Italian and Spanish, and has-a shown some-a great progress." "How has she been with the nightmares?" Arthur asked, having heard about the nightmares that plagued the Tiny 2 year old from France, who had heard it from Spain, who had nearly had a heart attack when he had heard her cry out from a nightmare when he had spent the night. The Italian brothers looked at eachother. Her nightmares still hung around quiet often, and while they weren't as often anymore, they left her in a traumatized state. "They-a are starting to get-a better...." "Papa..." All three eyes suddenly went to the Kylie who was hugging Feliciano's hand. The Northern Italian lit up and started snuggling her.... Kylie stared up at the large blonde haired man in the scarf. He had come with a pretty lady, who came to see her zio Antonio. "Oh, she is just so cute! Tim, I don't think you have had a chance to meet Kylie officially yet." Before either Kylie or the Dutchman had uttered a word, Belgium had placed Kylie in her brother's hands and went into the other room for a moment. The Dutchman stared at the Tiny tot. Sure he was used to small creatures, but not Tiny humans. This was new to him. "Hallo, kleine meid." Feli had taught her how to speak, Italian, Spanish, French and a bit of German, but it was the pretty lady Emma who was teaching her a language her papa hadn't yet. Dutch. She giggled up at him, and even gave her him a kiss on the cheek, earning a vivid blush from the Dutch Nation. When Belgium perked into the room a few minutes later, she nearly squealed along with Feliciano, upon seeing Tim with Kylie on his chest, humming a Dutch lullaby under his breath. "She's-a so-a loved by-a everybody..."

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