Chapter 11- Everything post-catfish

Start from the beginning

Finally, everyone was seated in their place. There were no more trainee spots so we assumed that was it. The only one missing was the trainer. A couple of minutes after, I turn to the door and I could see the door knob turning. I took a deep breath as if I was preparing myself to start that journey and blinked. The door opens and guess who walks in.

Okay I'll give you a couple of seconds.




Any idea?



Can you tell me already?




Hot... hot... hot... hot...




It was the hot guy I had seen outside of the building when my mom dropped me off. Was he going to be my new trainer? Well that would complicate things. How was I going to focus on my job if I had a trainer who looked like that? We were 15 trainees and only three girls. I could see all three of us were looking at him with bright eyes. He was dreamy and he knew it. He was the type of guy who knew he was good looking and that was even more attractive.

Joe: Hey guys! Im Joe and im going to be your trainer. Im going to be teaching you everything about this place. You're going to learn every single thing you need to excel in this job and in turn make a lot of money. You're going to learn about the company you're working for, how to use your computer and how to manage clients on the phone. But first, I'd like for all of us to introduce ourselves and tell the rest of the class an interesting fact about each one of us.

What is this? School? Couldn't we just go straight to what we're there for. Honestly, the only person I was interested in was Joe and I already knew his name so why even go through that stupid activity. I just rolled my eyes.

Joe: Since she seems to be so excited to begin, let's go with you. Girl in the last row with the bright neon sweatshirt.


Everyone turns around to see me.

Oh fuck. I was the one wearing the bright neon sweatshirt. This asshole was already trying to make me feel uncomfortable. I stood up and took a deep breath.

Me: Hey. My name is Amada. I love to dance and talking is like breathing to me. I don't talk, I die. Nice to meet you.

All of them laughed. That gave me a little jolt of confidence and I smiled at myself. That had never happened. It felt great.

Around the room they went, and none of my classmates caught my attention. There was one guy who literally looked like a mixture between Tarzan and Jesus. How was that even possible? He had long hair, he was at least 6 ft 4 and he was buff. Even though I've always been attracted to taller men, this one was just not one of them. Out of the rest, no one really stood out. There was one other guy who was really, really overweight. Im talking like, Fluffy. And then meh. Nothing worth mentioning. Then, we got to Joe.

Joe: Okay guys. So, like I said you can call me Joe and this is my phone number in case any of you need to contact me for any reason. We will be in class together for one month so anything could happen. As for an interesting fact about me, I like to draw and Im very outgoing. Anything else is not really anything of your business, ha-ha.

There was something about this guy. He spoke in a way that no matter what he was saying, he lured everyone in. He had, without exception, everyone's undivided attention.

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