Chapter 24

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A week later

We all walked into class with our babies for our last class that revolved around our project.

Honestly, I was happy it was over. It had been a real trip.

"Awe, I'm kinda sad we have to give Thrasher back." Zach said, carrying our baby into the classroom.

"Actually, so am I." I told him.

"Look." He said, turning to me. "This project put us through a lot. It really did. Both really good and really bad. But listen, I know we've been all weird to each other the past week after everything with Taylor and...I just want you to know that I should've stood up for you at the BBQ and I'm sorry. I really hate fighting with you Kayls. Ever since I moved here, I've felt like I've grown really close to you and I don't wanna lose you in my life. I really don't."

"I know." I told him. "I don't wanna lose you either."

"So we're ok then?" He said, smiling at me.

"We're ok then hubby." I said, winking at him and he pulled me in for a hug.

"Oh my god. I'm not gonna be your hubby anymore." He said, gasping at me.

"We can keep it as an inside joke." I said, winking at him.

"Good. Because I like how it sounds when I call you wifey." He said, smiling at me.

I playfully shoved him and laughed. Despite everything that had happened with us, neither one of us had lost the flirty personality we had around each other.

"Alright! Congratulations everyone! You are officially done with the Baby Project!"

Everyone cheered and I looked around the room.

Our baby ended up not being the only baby that ended up being a little...messed up.

"As for grades, you all get an A." She said to us.

My eyes almost fell out of my head.

"I'm sorry HOW did we get an A?" I asked her.

"Kayls, just take it." Zach said, trying to get me to be quiet.

"You got an A because none of you were going to fail this project. The reality is, there is no perfect way to be a parent. And to be completely honest, each and every one of us get messed up a little bit in our own ways. The point of the project was to teach you what it's like to be a parent and to help you understand child development. It wasn't to get a perfect score or to make sure nothing bad happened to your child. I wanted each of you to walk away feeling like you learned something about childhood development and about yourselves and your partners. So I'm proud of all of you. This has been one of my favorite classes to do this project with."

We all clapped and cheered and Zach hugged me and fist bumped the air.

I laughed at him. But then part of me got sad. This project allowed us to spend so much time together. Without it, he was gonna spend all of his time with Taylor. I was gonna miss it. I was gonna miss him.

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