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simon's pov
during lunch, lachlan introduced me to his friends preston, rob, mitch, jerome and vikk. i noticed that vikk was also a part of harry's group. i didn't expect to make friends, but they were all so welcoming. preston was in most of my classes, and we sit together in geography. apparently him and rob have something going on but i'm not sure yet.

i sat beside my new friends on the bus home. i had never got the bus to school, but now i know that everyone has their own seats. we were in the middle. people gradually got off as the journey went on. my stop was the last stop, so lots of people had already gotten off. it was just me, preston, lachlan and a few others left. the bus pulled in and i noticed harry and a few of his friends getting off. i said goodbye to lachlan and preston and started to walk home. i noticed that harry and one of his friends were also walking this way.

"hey simon," harry said, as we met at the crossroads.
"who's this?" the boy with him asked.
"i'm new here," i said.
"oh, cool. well i'm ethan and it's nice to meet you," he said, laughing. he has a contagious laugh i have to admit.
"you too ethan," i said smiling.
"how was your first day?" harry asked.
i started to feel more confident around him, or maybe it was because i wasn't looking into his big blue orbs.
"it was good, i made some friends surprisingly," i said.
"well, this is me," ethan said as we reached his house.
"bye lad," harry said.
"it was nice meeting you," i said.
he waved goodbye and closed the door behind him.
"do you have any social media?" harry asked breaking the silence.
"yeah my snapchat and my instagram is miniminter,"
"what's a miniminter?" he laughed.
"it's about my dick," i joked.
"really?" harry said.
we reached my house and i realized i hadn't asked harry for his social media.
"see you tomorrow," he said. i waved goodbye and walked inside.

"how was your first day?" my mom asked as i entered the kitchen.
"well, it was actually pretty good," i said. honestly, i didn't think i'd make any friends all year.
"did you make any friends?" she asked.
i went on to tell her about my day. she worked nights at a hospital in london city so she was around all day. my dad on the other hand is a therapist, so he comes home in the evening.

after i ate with my mom i went upstairs and did all of my homework at my desk. i sat on my bed and pulled out my phone.

wroetoshaw started following you.
lachlan started following you.
realtbnrfrags started following you.
behzingagram started following you.
mrwoofles started following you.
vikkstagram started following you.
jeromeaceti started following you.
bajancanadian started following you.

my instagram followers were quickly going up. i already had 2,646 followers from manchester and now i had even more. i decided to delete all of my posts from manchester after the incident happened at school. i had one post of me and my old best friend josh but that was it. i looked through everyone's accounts and followed them all back. harry had 6,532 followers and lots of posts. i smiled as i scrolled through his account.

wroetosnap added you as a friend.

i realized that it was harry and added him back instantly.

wroetosnap is typing...
from wroetosnap.

i changed his name to harry and opened his message.

harry: hey simon
me: hi again
harry: do you play xbox?
me: yeah, my gamer tag is miniminter
harry: cool! mines wroetoshaw
me: so that's where it comes from

i turned on my xbox and noticed that harry was online. we exchanged skypes over text and decided to play fifa together. by the time we stopped playing it was half ten so i decided to go to bed.

harry: goodnight simon :)
me: night harry :D

beep beep
i rolled over in bed and turned off my alarm. i grunted as i got out of bed. i hopped in the shower and got ready as usual. i had my usual breakfast and left for the bus. i wonder if harry and ethan will invite me to walk with them some day. i approached lachlan and preston and the bus shelter.

"hey boys!" i said.
"hey bro, what's up?" lachlan said.
"hi simon!" preston said smiling. preston was a happy person and he was fun to be around.
we spoke until the bus pulled up. we sat in what i discovered was their usual seat, now my usual seat too. i noticed harry and ethan lauging at the back of this bus. they noticed me staring and waved. i waved back noticing preston's eyes on me.

"you're friends with harry?" he said, sounding surprised.
"i think so," i said.
"oh, well be careful," he said.
why was everyone so catious towards harry? i really like him and i think he's a nice person. we reached school and by now the bus was full.

i walked into my first class alongside preston. it was history, which i hadn't had yesterday.

"so you're simon?" the professor said.
i nodded and he told me to sit next to someone called tobi. a black boy sat by the window raised his hand. he was also friends with harry and ethan. i sat beside him and he smiled at me. he was wearing a black snapback which looked funny with his blazer.

"hey simon, i'm tobi," he said. how did he know my name.
"harry told me about you," he added.
"oh, what did he say?" i asked curiously.
"just that you're funny and he feels giddy around you," i smiled at that comment. i feel giddy around him too.

biology had just ended so me and rob made our way to the lunch room.
"bro, has preston said anything about me?" he asked.
i smiled. "he always goes red when you're mentioned, and he brings you up all the time," i said truthfully. although i had only known preston for a day, he sure as hell did love to talk about rob.
"i really like him," rob said as we got our food.
"i'm going to tell him soon," he said confidently.

i made my way to the field for pe. i noticed that vikk was in this class and walked over to him.
"hey buddy," he said.
"hi vikk, do you like pe?" i asked.
vikk was frail and petite, he didn't resemble the sporty type.
he snickered. "i hate pe more than i hate getting a b," he said.
"pe is the only subject i can get an a in," i said, making the smaller boy laugh.

"vikk, can i ask you something?" i said as we walked off the field.
"of course," he said.
"why don't your friends like harry? i mean after all, you're friends with both of them," i asked.
vikk froze. "i will tell you some day, but i don't want to influence your opinion on harry," he said. in other words, no one wanted to tell me.
"oh, ok. i trust you," i said.
"just don't open up too much," was all vikk said.

i got off the bus and started to walk home.
"wait up!" i turned around to see ethan and harry walking towards me. i couldn't stop thinking about what everyone's saying about harry. even vikk implied that something had happened.
"are you going to join the football team?" ethan asked, breaking me out of my thoughts. a new football team. a change. my breathing hitched as my anxiety took over.
"simon are you ok?" harry asked grabbing hold of my hand.
"y-yeah, i'm sorry. it's just, i played football at my old school," i said, not elaborating.

we reached ethan's house and he apologized for what felt like the 100th time. i yet again told him that it was ok. i continued to walk beside harry enjoying the comfortable silence. by the time we reached my house, i had agreed to go to football practice tomorrow evening. i waved goodbye to harry and entered my house.

i had finished my homework but i couldn't get harry out of my mind. what did he do? should i ask him? why is everyone telling me to be careful? i collapses onto my bed and fell asleep thinking about what harry's secret could be.

but we all have secrets, and they always come out.

A/N: hi there! thank you for reading <3 it should get more interesting soon but for now please like if you're enjoying it. i'm trying to make the chapters long. thanks again. :) by the way, simon's best friend from home is based on theburntchip as zerkaa is in his new school! :)

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