My mother brought the morning meal over from the receiving tube and set it on the table. I began to eat.

"Evelyn," my mother said, drawing my attention to her, "make sure that you do well in The Ceremony today. It is more important than you know. You must bring honor to our family."

I wasn't quite sure what any of that meant, but I nodded my head regardless. I would do my best in The Ceremony even if I didn't know what was going to happen.

My parents had explained to me what happened at their Showing but The Ceremony changes every year so that you couldn't prepare for it. The only thing I knew about The Ceremony for certain was that there would be three sections. There would be the mental exams, physical exams, and the personality exams.

My parents still don't know what portions of The Ceremony they failed at, but that was just how it worked. You either failed or passed. You didn't find out why just the results. I guessed it was simpler that way. But I was determined to have a better Showing than them, I couldn't stay here.

The Showing is part of The Ceremony where you go through the exams. There are more parts, but only people that are chosen know what they are.

My father sat down at the table just as I was finishing my morning meal. Both of my parents had their formal attire. My mother with her pale yellow dress and my father with his dark green dress shirt. It was possible to marry people out of your year, but there was a limit. The person could only be up to five years older or younger than you. That rule always seemed kind of silly to me. I guess most of the rules did, but if I ever said that to anybody I would be punished. I had been punished before and I didn't feel like getting punished again. So I kept my mouth shut.

"It is almost time for your Showing, Evelyn. I wish you the best." My father stated not looking up from his copy of The Town Gazette.

This statement set me in a state of confusion. "I wish you the best" is a term of endearment that I had only received a few times. None of those times were from my parents. It was usually returned with the statement "As I do for you" but I wasn't sure if I was supposed to say that. I decided I should because I didn't want to be punished right before my Showing.

"As I do for you," I replied, putting my tray back in the tube.

Excitement bubbled inside of me as I knew it was almost time for my Showing. But along with that, I felt a feeling of uncertainty. I didn't know much about anything that was going to happen today. But as I looked over at my silent parents and generic house, I knew that anything could be better than my life now.

"It's time." my mother said turning to my father.

They shared a look I couldn't decipher before hugging tightly. They rarely touched for a reason I did not know. Town Rules allowed touching so I didn't understand why they never did it.

I dismissed their abnormal behavior and walked out the door in their wake. I saw other families with their children that were of age. No families brought their other children if they had them because nobody was allowed to spectate The Ceremony. I guess it was also supposed to make it easier for us to concentrate.

I looked around at the other children my age. Most of them looked nervous, I didn't understand why though. It's not like we were being led to the slaughter. I was pretty sure killing was against Town Rules anyway.

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