Chapter Fourteen: Break This Down!

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A Few Days Later, At the Engagement Party

Today was the day to celebrate Mal and Ben's engagement, and the entire kingdom was celebrating. Everyone was looking so dressed up, and me and Jim were too. I decided to have my hair up in a bun for today, just to make myself a bit more "queen-like". The dress I was wearing was a black draped dress that was a bit knee high. For accessories, I had on pearl jewelry, black heels, and a diamond tiara.

 For accessories, I had on pearl jewelry, black heels, and a diamond tiara

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Jim was also dressed up for today as well. He decided to wear a white and gold king's suit with white dress shoes, white gloves, and Morph decided to shape shift into a golden king's crown to complete the look.

As we were both complementing others on what they were wearing, I saw B

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As we were both complementing others on what they were wearing, I saw B.E.N coming over to us. However, he looked a bit upset. And I knew why. "You really miss her, do you?...", I asked the robot. He adjusted his hat and tie and looked at me. "Yeah... I know that Gears didn't want to leave her home forever. But she could've been so much more here...", B.E.N told me and Jim. As he did, Jim gave his metal friend a pat on the back. "Don't worry, B.E.N... Maybe one day, if she comes back, then you'll see that she'll want to be with you again.", Jim said. B.E.N then gave Jim a smile and he gave me one too. "Thanks, Jimmy. You know, you and Jenny are going to make great rulers.", he said as me and Jim smiled at him. And as we did, everyone started cheering loudly. We all turned around and saw Mal and Ben coming. As we all clapped and cheered, we all raised our glasses up to make a toast to Mal. "Lady Mal and I want to thank you for coming out and celebrating our engagement today. I couldn't be happier, or prouder, to call you my queen. So, raise your glasses. To our future queen of Auradon!", Ben told the crowd. "TO OUR FUTURE QUEEN OF AURADON!", everyone shouted. Afterwards, we all cheered again. "And, another toast to my cousin, Genesis. And her fiancé, James Hawkins. You two are going to be a great vice king and queen of Auradon.", Ben said as he spotted me and Jim. I gave him a kiss blow and Jim bowed down to him. "TO OUR FUTURE VICE KING AND QUEEN OF AURADON!", the crowd shouted. Everyone cheered one more time, and drank up. "Speech, your fanciest!", Jay joked as the crowd laughed. I looked up at Mal, and she looked a bit nervous to even talk. Finally, she looked up and spoke. "I can't be queen of Auradon...", she told the crowd. Everyone was confused, and so were the Vks. After waiting for like a few seconds, Mal spoke to the crowd again. "We made a decision... To close the barrier forever. And it was my idea... But it's wrong! I've learned that you can't live in fear. Because it actually doesn't protect you from anything! Hahaha... You never know where the bad is going to come from. And you never know where the heroes are going to come from either. Without Uma and her pirates, Auradon would be gone. And without Hades, my father.... Audrey would be gone.", Mal explained to the crowd. Everyone stayed quiet after hearing what she had to say. I was actually happy with everything she told us. And to Ben's surprise as well, he told us that he agrees with her, and that it's time to take the barrier down. "The barrier will come down!", he spoke one last time. Carlos was the first one to cheer, and we all laughed. Afterwards, everyone cheered and clapped. As we did, I hugged Jim. Mal then told me and the others to come up, and so we did. Once we were all up here, Fairy Godmother gave Mal the wand the wand. "Whenever you're ready, Mal...", I told her with a smile. She then looked at the Isle and pointed up the wand. "To make the world a better place, we have to do it face to face!", she and the other three said together. As they did, Mal waved the wand, and its magic hit the barrier. Once it did, the barrier disappeared for good. Everyone clapped and cheered again after seeing the barrier being taken down. Suddenly, the bridge began to magically form across to the Isle, and there was a large white twisted hoop going around it. I smiled happily and started to cry just like Evie. I was just so happy that the barrier was now gone forever. Now all of the villain kids came out in and out whenever they wanted to. As me and the others huddled around, everyone started to walk the bridge. I also got a glance look at the Isle, and saw that all the Vks were happy and cheering.

Seeing all of the villain children coming down the bridge, was amazing. As they all reached the entrance of Auradon, everyone bowed down to welcome them all. Next thing you know, I see Uma and the others. Not just that, but I also saw the villain kids going over to hug their parents: Dr. Facilier, Lady Tremaine, and Mr. Smee. As we all celebrated, we all stopped to see more Isle kids bring in a dragon that shot out smoke, and had its eyes lite up. There was even more kids coming in that were holding up signs that represented each villain that lived on the Isle. As everyone celebrated, I wrapped my arms around Jim and walked around to see what was happening. "GEARS!", B.E.N shouted in excitement. I then saw Gears running up to him, and he picked her up to hug her. "I missed you so-", B.E.N told her. However, he was cut off after Gears leaned in to kiss him. After the kiss, B.E.N gave her a goofy look of love. "Now that I get to be in two places, I can finally see you again...", she told B.E.N. Me and Jim smiled at them both and bowed. "You two are absolutely beautiful for each other.", I told them. As the two robots smiled at me and Jim, we went over to see Gil and Jay talk about going to the jungle and mountains this summer. Jim then huddled in and smiled. "Got room for one more?", he asked the boys. They all then high five each other, and I went up to Gil to give him a hug. "Make sure you be careful with him now, you hear? Haha!", I joked as Gil laughed. After giving him a kiss on the cheek, I went over to Uma and gave her a hug. "I'm so glad that you're here.", I told her. "Me too. You know what? Mal came through.", Uma said as she looked over at Mal dancing with the crowd. "She always does.", Evie said as I smiled. "So she's definitely taken?", Harry asked. "Definitely!", Evie told him. I even saw Harry looking at Evie, but Doug pulled her away. He then looked at me, but Jim wrapped his arms around me. "Did I forgot to mention that we're still engaged?", he said to Harry. However, I looked at Harry and gave him a hug. "Thanks for helping him when you and the boys went to go search for the king, Harry.", I told him. I even kissed him on the cheek, and he was surprised. He even looked at me again, but Jim wrapped me in closer and gave Harry a funny look. "What's my name?", Uma asked him. "Uma!", Harry said as he leaned in for a kiss. However, Uma rejected it. As we walked away, I turned around to see him bump into Audrey. Next thing you know, they were both dancing with each other. "I definitely did not see that coming.", I told Jim. "Speaking of things coming, look.", he said to me. I turned around to see Hades hugging Mal. I was so happy that he and Mal can now see each other again. However, I saw the look he gave Ben, and I couldn't help but laugh. As I did, me and Jim hugged each other. "You know, I just thought of something.", he said to me. "What?", I asked while closing my eyes. "If Hades is going to be Ben's father-in-law, and if Mal's going to be your cousin-in-law, doesn't that mean that he's also going to be your step-uncle-in-law?...", Jim asked me. I immediately open up my eyes and looked up at him. "Oh! I haven't thought about that...", I said to him. "Some wedding this is going to be...", Jim said as he kissed me.

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