Chapter Six: Daddy Issues

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At Hades Hideout

As me, Mal, and Celia kept on walking, we finally found the place. Celia took out the key and unlocked the gate. Mal was ready to go in, but I wasn't after seeing a sign that said "Beware of Dog!" "How big is that thing?", I asked. Celia saw what I meant and told me not to worry. After getting the gate to open, we all went inside. However, I placed my hands on my ears; considering the fact that the dogs were barking so loudly. Morph peeked out of my pocket and was a bit frightened as well. "Don't worry, Morph. It's okay. Stay inside my pocket for now.", I said while petting him to feel better. He then hid back inside my coat pocket, and me and the girls got on this mining bike. It even came with helmets that had light in them. As all three of us rode off, I could still hear the dogs barking so loudly. Hopefully, they won't pop out in surprise.

Three Minutes of Riding Later...

After getting off the bike, we all finally made it farther into the lair. Hades was asleep on the couch, so we all had to be really quiet. "There's the ember.", I whispered to Mal. I noticed that the ember was in this holder-thing that was right next to Hades. Mal started to walk to the ember slowly, and so did I. However, I just noticed something weird: Turns out that the dog barking was actually a record player. I rolled my eyes and stopped it from making noise. "This god thinks he's so funny...", I said while walking back to Mal. We both went behind he couch slowly and quietly, and I took a look at the ember. It shined in my eyes like the crystal it was. I rubbed my hands together and reached for it. But as I did, I froze for a second. "What are you doing here?", Hades asked as he woke up. Me and Mal just stood quietly, but I was immediately scared. "I noticed that you were low on canned corn.", Celia told him while giving him a can. Luckily, she was able to distract him. But as I was about to touch the ember, my hand was grabbed by Hades. I screamed a bit, as he turned around to look at me and Mal. "Hades....", I said in fright. He then took off the shades he had on and turned to Mal. "Hi Dad...", she said to him. This got me to look so surprised at her. "Dad?!", I said to her. I had no idea that Hades was her father. Why hasn't she told me? Maybe she was too embarrassed to tell. Or maybe, she didn't want anybody to know, otherwise they think of her as scary again. "Quite a show you put on the other day.", Hades said while getting up from the couch. Next thing you know, he and Mal were in this big argument. "You abandoned me when I was a baby.", Mal said. "No, I abandoned your mother.", Hades stated. He then told Mal that they both had something in common as father and daughter: They both hate Maleficent. However, Mal stated that she didn't hate her mother; she just saw her as misunderstood like her. As the fight kept on going on, I just stood there all quiet. But honestly, I couldn't take it anymore. "Uh, can I say something?", I interrupted. "STAY OUT OF THIS!", the both of them shouted at me. I then looked afraid for a second and just stayed quiet. However, I saw that Hades was looking at me now. "You know, Princess, I got to hand it to you after what you did to me. By the way, you dropped this after shooting me with it...", he said while taking the piece of crystal out of his pocket. Hades then threw it at me, and it hit me on the head. "Ow! I had it coming...", I said while rubbing my head. This got Morph to come out of my pocket and growl in Hades face. However, Hades gave a large growl at him; causing Morph to get scared and to fly behind me in fear. "Dad, leave them both out of this. I'm only here for one thing and one thing only: The ember. And if I don't get it, it's game over.", Mal told her father. Hades gave a smirk and took a look at the ember. "You want this?", he asked. Mal then put out her hand and waited for her father to give in. As Hades was about to give it to her, he stopped for a second. "Hold, please...", he said to Mal. This got me to roll my eyes and cross my arms. "He can't be serious!", I said to myself.

Throughout this entire "argument", they were both talking about why they never needed each other at all throughout life. On Mal's side, she got where she needed to be without her father's help. On Hades side, he couldn't help his daughter because of dealing with his ex-wife. I honestly didn't know which side to believe at all. And I couldn't, because they both kept on arguing throughout verses. "Get over it!", Hades told Mal. "I am over it!", Mal told Hades. "I'M OVER YOU BEING OVER IT!", they both said together. Next thing you know, I see Hades dancing around and playing the tambourine. "Can you both settle this another way? Say like... Family therapy?", I interrupted them both for the second time. "I SAID STAY OUT OF THIS!", they both shouted at me again. This time, I shut up completely.

I did what I had to do.
No, you only did what's
best for you. Well you can
learn a thing or two! When
worse comes to worse, you do-
When worse comes to worse, you Do-
When worse comes to worse, you DO!...
What You Gotta Do!

After a full talk between father and daughter, Mal looked back at Hades. "You really want to make it up to me? Then give me the ember.", she said while holding out her hand. "It won't work for you.", Hades said. "I'm full blood of Hades.", Mal stated. "You're only HALF Hades. The ember won't do everything for you that it does for me. If it gets wet, it's game over.", Hades told Mal. Finally, he gave her the ember. "Let's go, guys.", Mal told me and Celia. We both then left the hideout, and I turned over to talk to Mal. "I can't believe that he's your father. How come you never told me?", I said. "Probably the reason why he's been asking about you.", Celia said. Mal stopped walking for a second to look at us. "Only Evie knows that he's my dad. And sometimes, I pretend that he doesn't exist.", she explained. We all then continued to walk until we reached the entrance of the Isle. I still thought of what Hades said about Mal before we left. "That's my girl.", his voice echoed in my mind.

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