Chapter Three: Family Gathering

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The Next Day, in my Castle Court Room

After coming back from the Isle yesterday, I was in my quarters signing papers and taking a look at the new laws I was given. Morph was by my shoulders, looking so curious. I turned my head at him and giggled. "Hehehe!!! I know, Morph. It's a lot that needs to be done.", I said while petting his head with my finger. As I went back to work, Jim came inside looking so exhausted. "Thank goodness that's done!", he said. "How did the wedding planning went for you? Did you tell them everything that we needed?", I said while seeing him coming towards me. "Yes! And let me just say, I'm so glad that I'm not a wedding planner. They always ask so many questions, and give you so many ideas to choose from. Ugh... Anyway, how's the paper work coming along?", he said. "It's coming, all right. But there's just a lot to read and a lot to sign. I mean, look at these suggestions and deals:

New Ideas & Laws to Make for the Kingdom:

1. Pixie Hollow needs more dust in order to bring in the next season soon, and they need this contract signed to get permission to create more dust with the Fairy Godmother's wand.

2. The Mermaids from Triton's Bay wants more of the kingdom cleaners to help clean up the trash and rubbish that's affecting the ocean kingdom and all life that's in it.

3. King Simba wants this new law signed in order to discharge fleas from coming into the Pride Land.

4. King Arthur wants this contract signed, in order to have Camelot Heights to donate some of its castle's hawks to Auradon's castle; the castle is full of them!

5. Mount Olympus is in need to use more of its mighty powers. And they need this law to be signed, in order to get permission to use it once again.

And they say that being a queen was easy...", I said while going over each and every single paper I went through. "Man... I can't believe I have to do something like this when I become a king.", Jim joked. As I gave him a funny look, I heard the door opening. Turns out that it was our robot friend, B.E.N. "Oh! Sorry if I was interrupting something, you guys. But I just have some news.", he said while walking in. I smiled at him and giggled a bit. "It's fine, B.E.N. We were just busy looking over a few things. What is it?", I said. He then handed me a letter and explained to me what it was. "Turns out that some of the people from the family council of yours are coming over for a surprise meeting to talk to you about making allies with your kingdom and theirs.", B.E.N explained. As I looked at the letter quickly, I looked back at him. "How could it be a surprise if I just got this letter now?", I asked. "Because the letter came in two weeks ago, and I forgot to give it to you. Surprise!", B.E.N said quickly while sounding a bit embarrassed. I gave him a smile and placed the letter down. "It's fine. Whenever they're coming, I'll be ready to talk.", I stated. "Great... Because they're here now!", B.E.N said to me quickly again. This time, my reaction changed. "WHAT?! But I'm not ready to talk! What do I say?", I said while starting to get nervous. However, Jim comfort me to relax. "Genesis, you're going to be okay! I promise!", he said as I took a breath. After calming down, I was relaxed finally. "Okay, now I'm ready... Send the first person in, please...", I told B.E.N. "Yes, Queen Jenny!", he said while bowing at me. Afterwards, he opened the door and let the first person in. And to my surprise, I saw that it was my pirate uncle, Captain Jack Sparrow. As he came in, he gave me one of his pirate smiles. "Genesis! It's good to see you again, my child. I had a feeling that you would make it into the rich life. So tell me, who's the lucky man that's marrying you?", he said to me. After hearing the last sentence from him, I pointed my finger at Jim. This made him change the look on his face. "Oh, you two are getting married...", he said. "*Impression of Jack* Oh, we hear that you're still drinking...", Jim said to him. This made me hit him. As I looked back at my uncle, I gave him a smile again. "Hahaha... Sorry about that, uncle. Anyways, I hear that you need me for something.", I said to him. Jack sat down in the chair and put his feet on my desk, just like the dirtiest pirate he was. "Well obviously! I know that you didn't chose me to be on the grand council for nothing. But aside from that nonsense, I need to ask you for a favor. You see, me and my crew are in need for a new place to dock ALL of our boats. Turns out that some places we've been to, "don't seem to like us"... And since you have a kingdom of your own now, I was wondering if we can use your ships docks for our voyages?", he explained to me. "Well, I mean we do have a lot of room. However, I would have to talk to the captain about-", I said to him. However, I was cut off when he got up from the chair and cheered in excitement. "SPLENDID! The crew will be so proud! We'll discuss more about this at the reception.", he said while walking out to leave. "Wait, I wasn't fin- Did you say, reception?", I said in a shocked tone. Jack turned around at me again and smiled. "Oh! Why yes, of course! Me and the crew will be in Auradon for the week, until the day of your wedding. Obviously, you wouldn't forget to invite me, right?", he said as I just stayed silent. "Of course not.", I said as he smiled at me again. "Splendid! It's settled then! I love weddings! Drinks all around!", Jack said while making it out the door. However, before he left, he took the plate of cookies that I had on my desk. Afterwards, he left. I laid back in my seat and looked at Jim. "Smooth move!", he said as I pushed him a tiny bit. "Don't start.", I said. The door opened again, and I couldn't believe who was at the door this time: my aunt Jessica Rabbit. And instead of wearing the red dress that she always wears, she instead had on a pink one, with a flower hat on her head. I have to say, she had never looked so beautiful (for a toon, that is). "Genesis, darling... It's so nice to see you again, honey-bunny.", she said while taking a seat in the chair. I smiled at her, and Jim did too. "Hi, aunt Jessica. Um, where's uncle Roger?", I said while looking a bit curious. However, as I did, I heard crashes coming towards the room. I could already tell that was coming from my uncle Roger; always getting himself into mischief. After all, he's a toon, he can't help it. As the opened up, I saw him coming in with a goofy look on his face. I'm guessing that he got hit in the head with something that he accidentally broke. As he shook his head, his eyes caught mine. "GENESIS! SWEETHEART! I missed you so much! It's been like almost eight years ago, since the last time I saw you.", Roger said while counting his fingers with just one hand and making more fingers appear. I giggled at him and looked up again. "Hahaha!!!! Uncle Roger, you know that I saw you in ToonTown last month, right?", I reminded him. "Last month? Oh, where did the good old days go? I remember seeing you as a little girl, when you first came to Auradon. Now look at you! You're growing up too fast! *Crying* My baby is growing up so quickly! And she's getting married! *More crying*", he said while beginning to let out a few tears. He even used his ears to wipe away his tears, like a tissue. "You know how hard it's going to be, to tell people that you two are related?", Jim whispered to me. I told him to be quiet, as I turned my attention back to my aunt and uncle. "Anyway, I heard that you two needed to see me for something. Whatever it is, I'll be happy to help.", I told them. "Well, if you take a look at this, I'm pretty sure we might be good.", Jessica said as she gave me a contract. "What's this for?", I asked. "You see, Genesis, ToonTown has been our home for over forty years now. And it's been so hard to make an allied with someone who actually love toons. So, this is where you come in.", she explained to me. I looked over the contract and saw that it had a list of demands as well. "There's even a list?", I said. "Of course! We need a few things from you so our town can look so much stronger than ever. Like having the kingdom donate a few whacked up pranking tools, some artists who can make us more toons for our population to grow, and to have you run ToonTown while you run your kingdom.", Roger explained to me as he used a glass cup to make the words big for me to see. However, I was confused on the last part he told me. "Wait! Me run ToonTown? But I- I mean- Why do-", I said while trying to put my sentence into something not so hurtful. "Running a town full of crazy toons, while she's running a kingdom of her own?", Jim added in to my uncle. "Oh come on now, sour pus! ToonTown is not all crazy. We're all smart, we all care for others, and we love to make everyone laugh! We're not all that mischief. *CRASH*", Roger explained to Jim while walking to one of the tables in the room. Except when he did, he accidentally shook the table and made a long statute timber on top of his head. Causing him to get another weird goofy look on his face, and stars to circle around the top of his head. "Roger! Are you okay?", my aunt said while going over to check on him. "*Dizzy* I'm fine... I just feel so weird...", my uncle said as he tumbled into the curtains and pulled them off. It almost looked like he was wearing a dress. "I guess we'll be getting a new statute and curtains as a wedding gift, then.", I said to myself. "We'll discuss more of this at the wedding, Genesis. I got to take your uncle back to the hotel and get him an ice pack.", Jessica said while walking to the door. This got me to look up quickly this time. "The wedding? My wedding?", I asked. "Yes, darling. You didn't think we didn't know, did you? Besides, your uncle is bringing the cake.", she said as I looked at my uncle Roger. He was still dizzy after getting hit on the head. "It's carrot cake... Your favorite...", he said while sounding a bit weird. My mind started to think about what could happen at the wedding if he acts clumsy: He could start a firework show that'll end horribly, he could accidentally tip over the wedding cake on top of all the guests, or he could even turn into that loud whistle-thing every time he drinks something bad. With all of this racing in my head, I just gave both my aunt and uncle a smile. "I'm looking forward to seeing you both there.", I said while trying to not act all worried. "Perfect! Come along, Roger.", Jessica said as she went out the door. Roger grabbed two bouquets of flowers from two vases and started to shake them like maracas. Next thing you know, he danced and sang out the door. "My niece is getting married! My niece is getting married! My niece is getting married!", he chanted out the door. Once he left, me and Jim looked at each other. "Now I know why they love to be in "TUNED"! Hahahahaha!!!!", we both joked and giggled. As we did, I heard the door opening again. Only this time, Lumiere came in. "Master Hawkins, there's a phone call for you in the main hall.", he told Jim. As Jim left the room, Lumiere came up to me with a bottle of ginger ale. "Your highness, the beverage you requested.", he said while giving me the bottle. "Thank you, Lumiere. So far my stomach is not feeling great, ever since this morning. *Drinks* Like I don't get it. This has been going on for a while now.", I told him. Lumiere walked up to a pot full of flowers and talked to me while examining them. "Well, your highness, a stomach ache like that should mean something. Tell me, have you been feeling nauseous lately?", he said. "Well, only one time I did. However, I've been feeling very hungry lately as well. Not just that, but I also been craving for crazy things as well.", I explained to Lumiere. He then turned to me and smiled. "Stomach cramps, nausea, food cravings. My senses tell me that you must be in the process of labor, my child.", Lumiere stated as I stayed quiet for a second. "Labor- You think I'm preg- No! No! No! No! If I did think that I was- Well, you know! Then I would've found out myself.", I said as Lumiere smiled at me. "So you've taken the test yet?", he asked me while walking out the door. "Well... No, actually...", I said. "Perhaps you should.", Lumiere said as he exited out the room. Besides from laws and contracts I had to think about, my main concern now was if I'm going into labor or not. "This can't be right... Am I though? Or am I?", I told myself.

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