Chapter Seven: Frenemies

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At the Entrance of the Isle

We all met up again at the entrance finally. I even saw B.E.N walking with Gears. "I hope this doesn't bother anyone, but I would like to see what Auradon looks like...", Gears said in a shy tone. Mal then gave Gears a smile, and so did I. "Of course, you can come.", I told her. Gears then gave out a cute giggle and walked with us. "I can't wait to show you the kingdom! There's just so much to do!", B.E.N told her. "We go in, we go out.", Mal told us. We all then went through the barrier, and the ember worked for her; now she had her powers back. "We did it! We got the ember!", I told Mal. However, as I did, we all turned around to hear something behind us. Turns out that Harry and Gil escape through the barrier before it closed. "What the-", I said as they both looked at us all. "We were just coming out for a second.", Harry lied. The boys then tried to push the two back inside the barrier, except they made Mal drop her ember. And when she was about to pick it up, Harry flung it into the water. "NO!", I shouted. However, the ember was caught by a tentacle. And rising out of the water, was a very familiar face I noticed immediately. "UMA?!", I shouted again. "Dropped something?", she asked Mal. "Give me it before it gets wet!", Mal said in fear. But Uma decided to ignore her by going under water with the ember. Next thing you know, a huge water twister splashes us all. "She's gone!", I said. "Hi boys!", a voice said behind us all. We all turned around and saw Uma holding the ember. Harry and Gil then went over to her, but she mostly had her eyes on me. "Long time no see, Princess!", she told me. "Miss Uma, nice to see you again!", Gears said while walking up to her. "GEARS! Get over here, you rusted up old hair dryer! Haha!", Uma said while picking up Gears and spinning her around in a hug. After that was done, she looked at Mal. "I'm guessing you lost sleep, because of me.", she said as Mal gave her a look. "Uma, you didn't come back to us. You forgot about us.", Gil said to her in disappointment. Uma then explained that she's been busy spending time under water trying to find a hole in the barrier, so that way her friends can escape with her. And while she was under water, she discovered coconuts and large fish that people can ride on; and she decided to blame Auradon for keeping it all away from the Isle. "Look Uma, this is no time for games! I need that ember!", Mal said to her. Carlos then said that Audrey casted a sleeping spell all over the kingdom, and Uma made a joke saying that the good guy is now the bad guy. "This is serious! Just give her the ember!", I told Uma. I even saw Harry and Gil laughing at my rage, but I wasn't playing. Neither was Mal. "You want it? Promise me that all the villains of my choosing get to go to Auradon.", Uma said to Mal. However, Mal refused. This made Uma threaten her by dangling the ember above the water. "IT'S A DEAL!", I shouted before anything else happened. Mal even agreed with me, but Uma wasn't buying it. "UMA! They have your word...", Evie said to her. Uma then got up with the ember and placed it in her necklace. "I better hold onto this, just in case. I'm not believing you just yet. This is a job, for pirates!", she told us. As she cheered with her crew, Jay went up to Mal and told her to at least go with it. "We can all go back to hating each other when this is all over.", he said. I saw Mal's face, and she wanted to refuse so badly. "Fine...", she finally said. As she did, I looked back at the pirates. "What happened to our bikes?", I asked them. "We crashed them!", Gil answered me. I then rolled my eyes and got so annoyed. "Great... Now I need to ask for a new bike for my wedding day...", I said to myself. As I did, Harry walked up to me. "Oh my dear, Princess... Don't feel bad...", he told me. He even tried to kiss my hand, but I pulled it away from him. "Nice try, but I'm not trusting you after what you did to our bikes. And, what YOU did to ME the first time I was on the Isle.", I reminded Harry. "Oh, come on now. You survived under water for only a few seconds. That pink blob on your shoulder saved you, either way.", Harry said in a funny voice. This caused Morph to fly over to him and growl. Except he got scared when Harry growled at him back. As Morph hid behind me again, Harry laughed. "Hey, leave them both alone!", B.E.N told Harry off. However, Harry raised up the hook in his hand. "If I were you, I can it, you rusty old toaster...", he threatened B.E.N. As he did, Evie finally stood up. "Can we all just stop? What do you say we settle our differences and become friends. Gum, anyone?", she said to us all. She even took out gum balls, but no one didn't say anything. "Let's go check the kingdom, already.", Uma said. "No! I'm in charge. We check the school first.", Mal said as everyone began to walk. I was walking with Evie, as she chewed on a gum ball. "Want one?", she asked me while offering me all ball. "Oh, no thanks, Evie. I can't have gum while I'm pregnant-", I said to her. However, I stopped immediately to shut my mouth with my hand. Except the damage was already done. Everyone stopped walking to look at me. They were all so surprised, I couldn't even describe how they looked. "Genesis... What did you just say?...", Mal asked me. I then blushed a bit and looked down on the ground. There was no point of hiding this secret anymore. "I just took a test last night, and it was positive.... Guys, I'm pregnant...", I explained. Evie walked up to me and couldn't even think of something to say. "How did- When did- Someone help me out here!", she said. Mal then walked up and looked at me still surprised. "Genesis, does Jim know about this?", she asked me. "No, I didn't have time to tell him yet. I saw the results before I went to bed. We got into an argument last night, and I made him sleep on the couch. And I couldn't tell him today, because he left the castle early this morning. I even tried to send him a message about where was he, but he never replied. I want to tell him, but I can't.", I explained. Everyone wasn't surprised anymore, just confused a bit. "A better question would be... How do you know it's his baby?", Harry asked me as everyone told him to shut up. Even I did too. "Look, NO ONE is telling him ANY-THING! I'm still mad at him after last night, and I want to tell him when he apologizes to me after what he said to me. We can talk about this later. Right now, let's go.", I said to everyone. After saying my final words, I immediately start walking without saying anything else. Everyone followed along with me, and didn't say anything until we reach the kingdom.

At Auradon Prep

Once we reached the school, everyone was asleep. Not just that, but there was also no signal. I couldn't even call Jim to see if he was okay. "Oh my gosh...", I said while looking at everyone sleeping weirdly. As we passed a bunch of students, Celia asked if the building in front of us was the school. I could tell that she was amazed. "Wow, this place is amazing. The trees are green and they have leaves. What are those colorful things in the bushes?", Gil said while looking around all amazed. "Flowers.", Jay told him. "Flowers are pretty.", Gil stated. "Speaking of flowers, look what's happening there.", I told the others. Turns out that B.E.N was picking flowers for Gears, and making her a flower crown. As he placed it on her head, she felt the crown. "How do I look?", Gears asked. "Beautiful...", B.E.N told her. Gears giggled, as I smiled at the cuteness that was going on. However, it didn't last long when I saw Harry taking money out of someone's wallet. "You better put that money back, if you know what's good for you.", I said to him. He then put the money back and raised his hook up at me. "I'm not scared of you, Princess...", he said. However, Mal told us to come on. As we walked, Carlos said that he found Dude. "Dude, can you explain what happened here?", I asked the dog. "Well Audrey came here, she put everyone to sleep, and she turned everyone into-", Dude said until Evie interrupted. "You guys! Hannah turned to stone.", she said as we all saw what she meant. Turns out that one of the band members was turned into a statue. Must've been another one of Audrey's spells. "I say we check the school for anything there.", Uma suggested. "No, we need to head to Ben's castle to see if he's there.", Mal suggested. This got Uma to turn around. "Says who?", she asked Mal. "Says me.", Mal said. "Okay guys, enough of this. Let's just go check the castle, please.", I told the both of them. Uma and Mal looked at each other again and just walked with everyone. This got me to roll my eyes and shake my head a bit. "This is just like raising children. And I should know, I'm having you soon.", I said while placing my hands on my stomach. Just doing that, made me think about what kind of child am I going to have. But I didn't have time for that. I just kept on walking with the others until we reached the castle.

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