Chapter One: Good to be Bad

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On the Isle of the Lost

Me, Jim, and the Vks were out and already collecting applications to see who can go to Auradon Prep. I was dressed up like my old Vk self again; only this time, I decided to mix it up a bit by wearing a blue dress and a tiara.

Jim decided to look more a bit like a rebel

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Jim decided to look more a bit like a rebel. So he had on a black leather jacket with a matching shirt inside, black pants, and combat boots to finish off the look.

He also had his hair jelled up, which was something I never expected him to do

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He also had his hair jelled up, which was something I never expected him to do. Considering the fact that I love him for him; not for his hair looks. But, either way, he looked amazing. Me and Jim were going around the alleyways to collect some applications, and so many Vks were excited to see us.

Everyone, come
and take your shot.
Nows the time, show
them what you got.
Cause everyone is
gonna get their chance.
They said that being from
the Isle was bad. Well,
It's Good to be Bad!

Today was absolutely wild! We gotten almost over a few hundred applications in. It looks like the new generation really wants to make a difference. As me, Jim, and the Vks went to the main entrance of the Isle, everyone came to join us in celebration. "When I say V, you say K!", the guys shouted as the crowd cheered and chanted back at them. "When I say All, you say Day!", me and Jim told the crowd as they did the same thing again. Next thing you know, I stage dive into the crowd and get back on my feet. Jim even came down to join me, and we all continued to sing and dance. Jim even decided to let me sit on his shoulder, as I collected more of the applications. So far, things were starting to go around smoothly. "It's Good to be... BAD!", we all shouted. Everyone cheered loudly, as I placed my hands on my heart and smiled widely. After getting off of Jim's shoulder, I went back up to join the group into picking the first Vks. After checking over the applications, we've come down to a decision. "Who wants to go?", Mal asked the crowd. Everyone cheered loudly, as I saw Morph flying up to me. He shape shifted himself into a microphone, and floated into my hand. After looking down at the crowd again, I made my speech. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for participating in Vk Day, today. Remember, this is just the first group we're choosing. But don't worry, we'll be back again soon to choose more of you wonderful people to come into our beautiful kingdom of Auradon. And, to the women who made this all happen, please give it up to miss Evie Queen!", I said to the crowd. After finishing up my speech, everyone cheered, and I gave Evie the microphone (Morph). "I can't believe this day has finally arrived. I honestly wish we can all take you with us. And someday, very soon, maybe we can.", Evie said. Mal then took the mic and looked at everyone again. "Yeah, we're gonna be coming back here so many times, you are going to be sick of us.", she said as the crowd laughed. I then took the mic and looked at everyone again. "Especially, me!", I joked as everyone laughed again. After Morph turned back into his floating pink cute little self, it was officially time to announce the first four Vks. "Can I get a drum roll, please?", Evie said to the crowd. Everyone started to stomp their feet hard on the ground, as Evie told everyone who's the first one. "First, I would like to begin with the granddaughter of Lady Tremaine, daughter of Drizella; my sweet friend, my Dizzy.", Evie said. The crowd cheered for Dizzy, as I saw her cheering and running up to Evie. Next was Carlos's turn to say who was going next. "Next, the son of Smee. Come on, Squeaky!", he said to the crowd. I looked down and saw Mr. Smee with his son; two of them, actually. Turns out, they were both twins. Squeaky made his way up to us, as everyone cheered for him. However, I saw his brother's face, and he was kind of sad. Next was Jay's turn to talk. "And no way we're splitting up the twins. So get over here, Squirmy. Come on!", he said as the crowd cheered for the other brother this time. As I saw him coming up, Mal made the last decision. "And now last but certainly not least, we all picked this girl. We all agreed that she could use a lit of Fairy Godmother's goodness class... Give it on up for Dr. Facilier's daughter, Celia!", she said. Everyone cheered one last time, as I saw Celia coming up to join the other three Vks we got. I smiled at them all and got down on my knees to the twins level. "So not only will you all be attending Auradon. You all will also be attending me and my husband's wedding in just three weeks as well!", I told the four. The girls cheered in glee, and the boys just gave me a tiny smile. This got me to look at the twins and place my hands on their shoulders. "Boys, how would you two like to be the ring bearers? I think you two will be perfect! Not just that, but there will be cake for a job well done.", I told the twins. They both looked at each other for a second and back at me. "Yes, ma'am.", they both said at the exact same time. I giggled at them both and got up. "But what will we wear for the wedding?", Dizzy asked me. "Dresses and mini tuxedos that I'll have my tailor make right away. You girls will make such beautiful maids of honor, while the boys are the ring bearers.", I explained to all four of them. The girls cheered again, as the boys stayed quiet. "You all are going to be happy once you see Auradon, I promise.", Jim told them while placing his arm around me. I smiled at him as he did the same thing to me. As I saw Morph flying onto his head, Mal and the others came into the huddle. "We'll be back for you guys next week.", Carlos told them. "So pack your stuff.", Jay reminded them. "Your own stuff!", Jim said to the twins as we all laughed. "Where are we going?", Mal and Evie asked. "We're going to Auradon!", they shouted. "Alright!", I said while giving them all high fives. Looks like I was right about today: Everyone in the new generation really wants to make a difference for the future.

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