Chapter Eleven: My Secrect Power

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I was asleep for about five minutes, but I woke up and couldn't remember what just happened to me. As I rubbed my head, I turned around to see everyone. "Oh my gosh...", I said in shock. Turns out that everyone turned to stone. This made me wonder how did I even get out. I looked down at my amulet, and saw that it was glowing so brightly. "The magic inside my amulet saved me... Which means, I can free everyone else! Huh? What was that?", I said to myself while looking at purple jewel. But I was interrupted after hearing a loud lightning bolt hitting the sky. Not just that, but very loud shrieks that sounded like it was coming from a dragon. "Oh no! Mal...", I said to myself again.

At the School

I saw Mal in her dragon form, and she was fighting off Audrey. Not just that, but Celia was trapped in her arms. As I saw Audrey shooting more magic at Mal, I could tell that Mal was trying to get the ember to work for her once again. Except she couldn't, because she was busy trying to stop Audrey. "I have to help her! But my magic... UGH! Forget this amul-", I said while looking at my amulet. I ripped it off in anger and threw it on the ground. But as I did, I suddenly began to feel weird. Smoke huddled around me, and I felt my magic tickling all around my entire body. I even let out tears of pain, as my body began to shape shift into something. I opened up my eyes, and they were in the vision of a dragon. And when the smoke cleared away, I was starting to fly. Turns out that all of my backed up magic inside the amulet, made me transform into a grey dragon with purple eyes.

 Turns out that all of my backed up magic inside the amulet, made me transform into a grey dragon with purple eyes

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I let out a ginormous shriek, and Mal saw me. Even Audrey saw me, and she was surprised. After looking at me, she started to shoot at me. "Well, well, well! Two for the price of one! I knew that you hated me, Genesis! Take this as a token of my hatred! HAHAHAHA!!!!!", Audrey shouted while continuing to try to hurt me. I was busy distracting her so Mal can get some time to get the ember to work. As I blew purple fire, Audrey shot me in the wing, and it hurt me like a bullet. I shrieked very loudly, and so did Mal when she got shot. At this rate, we didn't know what to do. But that was until we heard voices. "Regain your mind and ignite! Regain your mind and ignite! I'm right here, Mal! I'm right here, girl!", Uma shouted as Mal flew down to her. I even saw Harry with my amulet, and I flew down to him slowly and calmly. "Good girl... It's me... Calm down...", he said while placing his hand on my face. I gave out a dragon tear, as he put the amulet on my head. Next thing you know, I felt all of my magic return back to normal. As the amulet lost all the magic inside of it, the jewel turned black and died out. Once that was over, I smiled at Harry and gave out another tear. I then flew back up to help Mal, but she had the ember ignited again, and she used it to zap Audrey. And with all its powers, Audrey got hit. All of the dark magic inside her, was now gone. Mal flew to the roof, and turned back to normal. I did the same thing too. As the smoke cleared away, I felt my eye color going back to dark brown. "Mal! Celia!", I said while hugging the both of them. After the hug, Mal looked at me. "Are you okay?", she asked me. "Yes! I had no idea that I could turn into a dragon! All of the magic that was stored inside my amulet, must've gave me a new power.", I explained to Mal. We both then hugged again and turned to Audrey. I got down on my knees quickly and checked her pulse. "She's not dead. She's... Asleep...", I told Mal. She even checked her too, and it was true. "The ember won't do everything for you that it does for me.", Hades voice echoed in my head. I remembered what he told Mal before we left the Isle. "Audrey! Wake up! Audrey!", I said while feeling down.

In Audrey's Dorm

We were all back inside the dorm, and Audrey was still asleep. "She's slipping away...", Evie said. I started to feel bad about trying to fight her off, when I didn't want to. As everyone still kept quiet, Mal gave everyone a suggestion on what we can do. "There's one person who can help her... Hades...", she said. However, Ben looked surprised a bit. "Hades? No, he wouldn't do it. I wouldn't risk it.", he stated. "Actually, he might do it for me... He's my father...", Mal told Ben. Everyone went into shock for a second, and so did Jim. I didn't though. Besides Evie, I was also the one who knew that her father was Hades. "We'll have to send guards to get him.", Ben said while still feeling a bit surprised. As he did, Uma got up and looked at Ben. "Can I hitch a ride?", she asked Ben. Mal looked up at Uma, and she looked a bit down. "The Isle is my home. Someone needs to be there to protect it.", she stated. Harry then walked up behind her and smiled. "Well then, you'll need your first mate.", he told her. "The Isle will be in very good hands.", Mal said as Uma and Harry smiled. I then walked up to the both of them and gave them a hug. Not just that, but I was crying too. "I'm sorry for all I did in the past to your crew... You three were the best things that happened all day today... You three could've been great guests for my wedding, great members for the royal council in my kingdom, and become the greatest aunt and uncles for my child...", I whispered to the both of them. After hugging the both of them, I went back to Jim, and he smiled at them. "I was wrong about you two... Forgive me, for what I said before...", he said. Uma and Harry then smiled at him, and Jim smiled back again. "Can I go too?", Celia asked while getting up. I could tell that she didn't want to leave her home and father forever. And honestly, I didn't blame her. "I wish I could be in both places.", she told Mal. "I want to go back too...", Gears said. "Wait, what?... Gears...", B.E.N said to her. I looked at Gears and she was upset. She held B.E.N's hands and looked down at him. "B.E.N, I'm so sorry... But I can't just leave the Isle either... It's my home... I want to be with you here, but I can't turn back on the place where I came from...", she explained. B.E.N then looked upset and placed his hand on her cheek. "I understand...", he said. After hearing them talk, Mal walked up to Uma and smiled at her. "I really think that Evie was right. And, I do think that we could've been friends.", she said. Uma then shook her head, and I started to tear up again. "Mal, I'm sorry for what I-", I interfered until I was stopped. "No Genesis, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry that I lied to all of you guys. You deserve so much better than that...", Mal told us all. "You're just trying to do the right thing.", Jay said as we all agreed with him. As we did, Evie got up and looked at Mal. "I get it.", she said as Mal smiled at her.

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