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[Chapter 1 - New girl]


I grabbed my glove and shoved it in my bag before rushing out the door. I was going to be late, on my first day to a new school.

How much more of a cliche new girl can I be? I swear to god if the teacher makes me explain myself in every class we going to have some issues.

I hopped into my muddy black jeep wrangler and took off down the driveway. Luckily I only lived twenty minutes from the school, but that didn't help when I would be lost in the halls.

The parking lot was jam-packed with students and cars. I took a deep breath before finding a spot to park in the back and making my way into the building. Everyone stared at me, which I expected but didn't realize how uncomfortable it would make me.

I lived in Springfield, Texas most of my life, now I have moved to Oakland Hills, North Carolina and have to attend Oakland Hills High - real creative name right?

I managed to find my AP Chemistry class and find a seat in the back before everyone else poured in. I walked up to the desk, "Hi there, my name is Riley Seager. I'm a new student?" I said the last part as a question hoping the teacher would get the idea to fill me in.

The mid-thirties man with glasses glanced up at me before looking me up and down, ew. He flipped through some things before handing me a few papers, "This is what we are working on. Ask someone for notes and keep up, this is an AP course which means you will receive college credit when and if you pass the class."

I nodded and went back to my seat looking through the papers. Most of this we already covered back in my old school so filling the papers out was easy. As I did so students started to pile into the classroom and give me odd looks, just lovely.

I kept my head down and focused on the papers in front of me. I was brought out of my busy state by a chair scraping beside me. I looked up to see a girl smiling at me, "Hi there, I'm Winsley Conners. Most people call me Whinnie."

The girl talked fast, her bright green eyes held excitement. Her auburn red hair was pulled back in two loose dutch braids. Her lips had a natural dark tint to them showing off her bright teeth even more. She had freckles that bridged her button nose and cheeks.

She seemed nervous so I smiled, "Hi, I'm Riley Seager. I just moved here and today is my first day."

Her face lit up, "Your accent is everything! Where did you  move from?" I smiled thinking about my true home, "Austin, Texas. Lived there most of my life." She nodded and smiled at me before getting her things out. She turned to me before handing me her spiral, "Here you might need to be caught up on...the...notes..." She started trailing off as she saw I had most of the sheets completed.

I blushed and smiled sheepishly, "We already went over this stuff back in Texas."  She nodded before giggling, "I think we are going to be good friends. What classes do you have?"

I pulled out my schedule, "AP Chemistry, AP English, homeroom, Contemporary Math, and Strength Training." I said listing off my classes, "Why do I only have four classes?" I asked.

"Our school does things a bit differently. The first semester you have four classes as well but the second semester they change and you have another four classes. You moved here in the second semester, two months after it started actually." She explained before the final bell rang. She leaned over to whisper to me, "We have English and lunch together!"

I nodded and put my schedule away facing the front. I was happy to have a familiar face in this new place. The people seemed nice so far, just didn't know to keep their prying eyes to themselves. But it's different here than back home.

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