She's Broken

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Skye POV

I sat next to Kodie as she sat at her mother's grave. "I miss you ma. I'm doing okay down here. Almost done with highschool. Shit been real. I broke up with that toxic girl I was with. I felt so much more free. This is my new friend Skye. We've been friends for about 2 months now and I can't ask for a better friend. Jah says hi. He wants to come but can never bring himself to talk to you one on one. We miss you ma. We lost without you forreal. Grandma tells us stories  about your childhood all the time and it makes us laugh. I'm glad we have her she's the best. I've been saving up to send her on a trip for her birthday. She really deserves it her and Pa raised us all and I know we were a handful. Guess what? Oregon wants me to play for them next year. And I've already got the NFL looking at me too. Jah he's so close to the fame. I can smell it. And Miles is too. But he might do football though. I don't know yet. Anyways I got a game tomorrow and I know you'll be watching cheering me on. I promised you that house by the beach and imma get it for us ma. I just gotta keep working hard" Kodie smiled. I rubbed her back soothingly. "Your mom would be so proud Kodie" I kissed her cheek. "Thanks girl" she said. "I appreciate you being here for me. I know I'm not that interesting but I try" she said. "Of course Kodie your like my ride or die" I smiled. She linked our hands together. I blushed feeling her soft but muscular  hand against mine. She smiled at them intertwined. "Come on let's go " she said pulling me up. We walked to her car and got in. She drove off to an abandoned school. She pulled me outta the car and grabbed an old football out the trunk. "This is where it all started" she smiled as we walked on the football feild. "My Dad took me and my brothers out here. Originally it was for Miles since he's the oldest then he asked us to play against him and I was on my Dad's team. He was suprised by how much of a okay maker I was. How fast I was how strong I was. I tackled miles so hard he bruised his elbow. And I was like 12 at the time and Miles was 12. But he was pretty tall. My mom watched us play and she wanted me to play professionally. By the time I was 16 I had colleges looking at me" she said. I listened to her story. I love her stories. "I have to make it for her. Every game I play for her and when I lose I know she's still proud of me" she said. I nodded. "Kodie have you been in any other relationships" I asked. She shook her head. "She was my first" she said. "It wasn't love like I thought though. She just wanted me for my name. I was stupid yo give in to her tricks. I almost got exposed" she said. "She was blackmailing me. Over the summer I started realizing she wasn't right I tried to break it off but she threatened to send my dick pic to everyone" she said. It's probably beautiful. I wouldn't mind seeing it. Sucking it. Hopping on it and riding it into the sunset. Shiii. Kodie laughed. "Did I say that out loud" I asked. She nodded. "Thanks for the compliment" she smirked. I rolled my eyes."I can't believe I said that out loud" I facepalmed myself. "It's nice to know you have lil fantasies about me" she smirked widely. "Stopp" I said playfully throwing punches. She laughed. "What about you you ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend" she asked. I shook my head. "I had a boyfriend in 9th grade. But he was a little hoe so I let him go" I said. "Mm everyone thinks I'm a hoe just because I can get any girl I want" she walked up to me. "But I'm not. I got my eye on this girl and I really want her so bad. But I don't know if I'm her type. I mean I'm just a dumb jock right" she said. "Hell no Kodie your in AP Caculus. Your Hella smart you pass your classes with flying colors. Your resourceful and creative. And your talented so talented. Passionate caring . And my favorite humble" I said. "Aww shucks you really think I'm all at" she smiled. "I know you are Kodie" I smiled. "Any girl would be lucky to be your girl" I said honestly. "Well in that case" she said. Before I knew it her lips were on mine. I kissed back as best as I knew how. We pulled away. "Skye I got feelings for you. I don't know how I fell for you so quick. It's just the way you are with me . You treat me like I'm normal. Never ask for nothin from me . And I can tell that you genuinely care about me Kodie Williams equally you do Kodie Shane" she said. This can't be real . I got to be dreaming . "So I was wondering if you'd like to be my girlfriend" she smiled. "Kodie I-" I said. "Yes I'll be your girlfriend" I said hugging her.she hugged back. "I think we should go to BJ'S tomorrow for dinner" she said. That's our favorite place. "Okay was that your own super cute way of asking me on a date" I smirked. She blushed. "Yeah" she said. "Your so cute" I smiled. She laughed as we walked back to the car. She dropped me off at home and drove off. I can't believe I'm her girlfriend after all these years of having a huge crush on her.

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