A Deal With The Devil

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As the nurse took her vitals, Jessie watched Rocky walk back into the room, stashing her phone in her pocket.

"What did he say?"

Rocky shook her head. "He's not thrilled but Happy said he'd wait until he talked to you." She eyed the small woman in the bed who was currently frowning at the nurse. "He's not the one you should worry about. Chibs is livid."

Jessie gave her a baleful look. "I could really care less what Mr. Telford likes or doesn't like." She flicked the IV in her hand and glared at the nurse. "Is this necessary?"

The nurse frowned. "It's the morphine drip for your pain, Ms. Marsden."

Jessie rolled her eyes. "Then take it out. I don't want it. It makes me unfocused."

The nurse shook her head. "I can't do that without a doctor's order."

Rocky looked on in shocked surprise as the usually mild-mannered Jessie practically growled at the young woman.

"Then get the doctor!"

The nurse winced and nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

As the woman practically ran out of the room, Rocky shook her head. "What the hell has gotten into you? You've never yelled at someone like that before."

Jessie shrugged. "Maybe I just feel like it." She shook her head. "He apologized, Rocky. He was sorry for what he did."

Rocky stared at her for a moment. "How much did your hear?"

Jessie shrugged again. "Off and on? Enough. You'd be surprised what you hear in a medically induced coma." She pointed a finger at Rocky. "Don't try to change the subject. Thomas was sorry. He shouldn't have to pay with his life."

Rocky shook her head. "Yeah? Well the guys don't see it that way. Neither do I and I know the other girls won't either."

Before they could say more, Tara came walking into the room with a frown on her face as Rocky's phone rang. When She stepped out into the hallway to answer the call, Tara stepped up to the side of the bed.

"Do you remember me, Jessie? I'm Jax's wife, Tara."

Jessie nodded. "Yes, I know who you are. When can I leave?"

Tara shook her head. "You just had major surgery. You're going to be with us for a while. Why don't you want the pain meds?"

Jessie frowned. "They make me loose focus. I can't... " She sighed before continuing. "I was an addict a long time ago. I don't want to go back there. Please take it out."

Tara nodded before giving her a small smile. "I understand, but without the morphine, you're going to be in a lot of pain. Are you sure?"

Jessie nodded. "I'm sure."

Tara nodded. "Okay then, I'll make a note in your chart and have the nurse come remove the IV."

Jessie sighed in relief before nodding. "Thank you."

Tara nodded as the door opened and Happy and Chibs walked in with Rocky behind them. Neither man looked happy to be there as Tara walked out. Chibs stepped up to the side of the bed and frowned down at Jessie.

"Ye wanna explain yerself, Jess?"

Jessie lifted a brow as she tried to shift around to find a comfortable position. "I thought I was pretty clear. I don't want Thomas killed. If you really feel the need to have him punished, turn him over to the authorities, but I don't want his death on my conscience."

Chibs shook his head and ran a hand through his hair. "He deserves whatever he gets, luv. Ye could 'ave died."

Jessie stared him down until he broke eye contact. "But I didn't. Turn him over to the police."

Chibs looked at her for a moment before finally nodding. "Fine, but I find it interestin' tha' ye only show a backbone when it comes to someone else, never yerself."

Jessie nodded. "I show it when I need to."

With a snort of derision, Chibs strode out of the room with Happy right behind him. Rocky sighed and shook her head as she looked at Jessie.

"Why are you so angry at Chibs?"

Jessie shook her head and sighed before smiling sadly. "I'm not angry. I'm disappointed."

Rocky looked at her in surprise. "Because he wanted to kill Thomas?"

Jessie again shook her head. "No." She sighed. "I've always been more sensitive to other people. My mother called it being an empath, so while I was out of it, while my body was repairing itself, I was listening. He said that I would make someone a good wife but not him." She tilted her head at Rocky. "He doesn't think he's good enough for me." She chuckled as Rocky shook her head. "Can you believe that? He doesn't think he's good enough for an ex-junkie whore."

Rocky sighed and shook her head. "Don't call yourself that. It's been twenty years and you've worked hard to change into the woman you are now."

Jessie nodded. "I know that, Rocky. I do, but... I guess I hoped that I was finally good enough for a good man, ya know?" She sighed and waved a hand around before smiling at the sad woman across from her. "No matter. Soon I'll be back in my own place and doing my own thing."

Rocky grinned and nodded. "You will." She sighed as she glanced around the sterile hospital room. "You know, the drama with Pru should be resolved in the next day or two, so when you're healed, we're all taking a girl's trip. Go up the coast, do some surfing, some relaxing. What do ya say?"

Jessie chuckled and nodded. "I think that sounds marvelous. Just like the old days." She shrugged and grinned sheepishly. "Well, without the drugs and sex." She suddenly remembered something as she snapped her fingers. "Oh! Can you burn some sage in the house for me?"

Rocky chuckled and nodded. "I can do that. I'm happy to see that you're back to remembering the important shit."

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