Watching And Waiting

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When Rocky and Happy got back to Jessie's house, they found Chibs on the couch with his feet propped up on the coffee table and a bottle of beer in his hand, shouting quietly at a baseball game. Happy smirked as Rocky rolled her eyes.

"How's Jessie feeling?"

Chibs muted the tv and shrugged. "Ye mean after yellin at me for treatin' her like a child? She ate a little bit of the dinner Sack dropped off and went to bed."

Rocky grinned and nodded as she stepped closer to Happy and wrapped an arm around his waist. "I'm going to go check on her then head to bed. You guys can lock up on your way out."

Happy nodded before leaning down for a kiss before letting her go. "Okay. Call me tomorrow."

Rocky nodded before saluting Chibs and walking down the short hall to the bedrooms. Happy waited while Chibs turned off the television and went to the kitchen to throw away his bottle.

When they were outside and walking to their bikes, Happy gestured toward the house. "So what was that? You catching feelings for little one?"

Chibs snorted and shook his head in denial, making Happy smirk. "Wot? Nah, Hap. Just friendly concern, yeah? Don't make it into somethin' else jus' because ye and Opie are in love."

Happy chuckled and nodded as he straddled his bike. "Alright, old man, I get it. I've just never been so concerned for a friend of the club that I sat with them when they were sick, but we'll go with that."


The next morning, Rocky woke to found the house empty. She finally found Jessie in the back yard, sitting in the sun with her face lifted toward the sky and her eyes closed. Rocky plopped down in the grass beside her and sat quietly until Jessie turned to smile at her.

"Good morning, Rocky. How was your date last night?"

Rocky grinned and shrugged. "It was good. How are you feeling?"

Jessie waved a hand, dismissing her concern. "I'm just fine. As I said I would be. You might want to drink some coffee. Pru will be here soon."

Rocky nodded as she stood up. "Did she call?"

Jessie shook her head before shutting her eyes and turning her face back into the sun. "No."

Rocky chuckled and shook her head as she walked back into the house. She and the other women were used to the sixth sense that Jessie seemed to have where they were concerned, but it frequently freaked others out that weren't used to her ways.

She was just taking the first sip of her coffee when she heard gravel crunch in the driveway. She walked to the front door to see Pru getting out of an unfamiliar car and walking toward the house. She frowned as she noticed that Pru seemed nervous and was glancing around as if looking for someone.

"Look who came back. Where have you been?"

Pru shrugged as she nodded toward the house. "Let's talk inside."

They walked into the house and Pru made a production of locking the door and closing the curtains. Rocky lifted a brow as she sat down on the couch. She knew that Pru could be a little overdramatic but this was strange behavior even for her.

"What's going on?"

Pru let out a breath as she sat down on the other end of the couch. "Where's Jessie?"

"In the backyard meditating. Now tell me why you're acting so strangely."

Pru sighed and nodded. "I've been in Lodi, scoping out possible locations for a new lounge. There's been some strange things happening."

Rocky frowned. "Like what?"

Pru ran a hand through her hair and shrugged. "Like my hotel room door being open when I got back there. I've felt like I was being followed for a couple of days, and yesterday my brakes failed on my car."

Rocky swore under her breath. "Could your brakes have just been worn out?"

Pru shook her head. "I had them replaced a month ago."

"Who the hell would be after you?"

Pru shook her head. "I don't know."

Rocky nodded before reaching over to squeeze her hand. "Okay, let me get Lucinda looking into this. Why don't you stay here with Jessie and I'll go back to Evie's?"

As Pru nodded, Jessie walked in from the kitchen and smiled at both women. "You'll be staying with me for a while?"

Pru nodded as she stood up to hug Jessie. "If you don't mind, yeah. I feel like hiding out for a bit."

Jessie chuckled and nodded. "Well, this is meant to be a sanctuary of sorts, so of course. Oh, I almost forgot." She reached into the pocket of her hoodie and pulled out a length of jute with a small leather bag attached to it. "I made this for you. You should wear it until I tell you to take it off."

Pru nodded as she took the necklace and obediently put it on. "What's it for?"

Jessie nodded in approval. "Protection. It will keep you safe."

Rocky grinned as she reached into her bag sitting on the kitchen table. She rummaged around for a moment before drawing out two small handguns. She handed one to each woman as she nodded.

"Gris gris is all well and good but a bullet works faster. These are loaded and I expect you to keep them on you at all times."

Jessie frowned before shaking her head and tucking the gun in the back of her jeans. "Alright, but I won't take another life. You know it's against what I believe."

Rocky shrugged. "Maybe, but you know what's against my beliefs? Letting one of you walk around unarmed when we don't know what we're dealing with. You'll carry it and you'll use it. End of."

Jessie rolled her eyes as Pru and Rocky both grinned at her. "Okay, but my aura is going to take a serious hit."

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