The Ides Of March

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As Rocky laid next to him in bed, Happy ran his hand through her hair, letting the action relax both of them. They had all had a stressful few days and when she'd moved to leave earlier, he'd informed her that she was staying with him.

"So what happens after this mess is cleaned up?"

He felt Rocky sigh before she shrugged. "I don't know. When Agnes died and I came here, I thought about retiring but what would I do?"

Happy tugged on her hair to get her to look at him. "I don't know but I'm sure you'd find something." He grinned as she snuggled closer. "Besides, one killer in the family is probably enough."

Rocky chuckled and kissed him on the chest before leaning up on an elbow to look at him. "So, what, you expect me to end up like Evie? Raising a family?"

Happy shrugged. "Why not? You've done the exciting shit. What's wrong with trying something new?"

Rocky turned and straddled his hips, grinding down on a quickly rising erection. She smirked as he groaned and clutched her hips. When they'd made love earlier, she'd let him take the lead, but she was more than willing to take over.

"I suppose we could practice."

Happy chuckled before groaning again when she moved. "I don't know. I think we know what we're doing, babe."


Later, as Happy and Rocky sat in the clubhouse talking to Bobby and Kozik, Lucinda and Juice came flying in the door.

"Rock! I found him!"

Rocky took one look at Lucinda's face and knew that whoever it was, she wasn't going to like it. "Who?"

Lucinda shook her head and grabbed Rocky's arm. "No time. We've been tracking his location. He's at St. Thomas!"

Everyone moved toward the door at once, Happy grabbing Rocky and Juice smagging Lucinda's hand. "Come on. You can ride with me."


When they reached the hospital, Rocky and Lucinda barely waited until Happy and Juice were stopped before hoping off of the bikes and running for the door.

Rocky knew that Jessie was alone because Chibs had come back to the clubhouse an hour or so before Lucinda and Juice got there. Even though she was still in ICU, that wouldn't stop someone from being able to lie to get in.

When they reched ICU, the night nurse smiled at them. "Only one of you can go in, I'm afraid. Her brother is visiting her right now."

Rocky stiffened before nodding and turning to everyone behind her. She made eye contact with Happy before nodding.

"I'll go in. I haven't seen her brother in a while."

Happy nodded as Juice pulled Lucinda back by his side. "Good idea. We'll be right out here, babe."

Rocky nodded. "Why don't you call the rest of the family?"

Lucinda nodded as Rocky turned to the door. She took a deep breath before opening the door and stepping inside, her knees almost giving out when she saw Thomas sitting beside the bed.


He took his eyes off of Jessie to look at her and she'd never seen such a look of pain on her partner's face. "Rocky. She isn't awake."

Rocky nodded as she stepped closer to the bed. She didn't think he would take the chance of trying anything in the hospital, but she also had never thought they'd be here at all.

"Yeah, they said it might take a while. She was badly hurt, Thomas."

Thomas swiped at his eyes and nodded. "I know. I'm so sorry, Rocky. I never meant to hurt Jess. It was Pru."

Rocky shook her head. "But why? You had to know who she was."

Thomas shrugged. "Yes, I knew but Pru and I never got along, you know that. And you had left me by myself, I had to make money somehow, so I took the job." He looked back down at Jessie. "She was always so nice to me. To everyone she met. I didn't know that she was there until I heard Pru screaming her name." He shook his head as he broke down then. "I didn't know."

Rocky blinked back tears as she shook her head. "I can't let this slide, Thomas. You know I can't. They're my family. You might as well have tried to kill me."

Thomas looked up at her in shock. "I'm your family too, Rock."

Rocky shook her head and opened the door. "Not anymore. Goodbye, Thomas."

He sighed and nodded as he stood up. Rocky wiped the tears from her face as she watched him lean over and kiss Jessie on the cheek before whispering that he was sorry. He stood up and walked to the door, stopping to lean in and kiss her on the forehead before walking out.

Seconds after he was through the door, Happy was inside and pulling Rocky into his arms where she sobbed against his chest. He kissed her on the head before pulling back and looking into her face.

Rocky nodded and stepped back from him. "Just make it quick and as painless as possible, alright?"

Happy nodded before turning to the door and walking out, shutting it behind himself. Rocky sighed and walked over to sink into the chair beside the bed. She took Jessie's hand in hers and squeezed it.

"I really wish you'd wake up, sis. I really need one of your hugs right now."

Her eyes flew to Jessie's face when she squeezed her hand. "I swear I can't get give minutes of peace without one of you wanting something from me."

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