Chapter 4

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6 Months After

No one's POV

A beautiful and big house is shown and inside the mansion, a living room is shown where some elderly people are rushing around the mansion trying to set things ready

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A beautiful and big house is shown and inside the mansion, a living room is shown where some elderly people are rushing around the mansion trying to set things ready.

Elderly lady (smiling) - Today is a very special day... we need to get everything ready... she will be awake soon...

Soon an elderly guy comes along and drags the lady to a room.

Guy (smiling) - Gayatriji... calm down... the preparations are already done...

Gayatri (annoyed) - Has the cake been ordered?

Guy (smiling) - Yes! In fact, it's outside with your son and daughter-in-law

Gayatri (annoyed) - Decorations? Gifts?

Guy (smiling) - No & Yes... It's a surprise birthday party she doesn't need to see the decorations at the moment...

Gayatri (smiling) - Oops, I forgot... thank you Naitik's dad...

Raj - It's fine... now let's check on her parents to see if they are ready...

Both Gayatri and Raj leave the room but they are surprised to see a couple hugging each other. Both Gayatri and Raj fake cough to get the couple's attention and as soon as the couple sees them, they pull away from each other and start blushing.

Gayatri (smiling) - both of you have been married for 26 years now... and you both are parents to a beautiful daughter whose birthday is today and you are even grandparents to a handsome son...yet you both are acting like you are newlyweds...

Girl (blushing) - Sorry mum and dad...

Raj (smiling) - Why are you teasing them Gayatri? Don't you remember our romance?

Gayatri immediately starts blushing and is about to leave when the girl comes in her way.

Girl (smiling) - Why don't you tell us, dad?

Raj (smiling) - You see Akshara beta... when I...

Before Raj could finish his statement, Gayatri covers his mouth while both Akshara and the guy laugh.

Guy (smiling) - Dad... we have to check on our princess

Raj (smiling) - Yes Naitik, Akshara beta and Gayatri can you please hide the cake?

Akshara and Gayatri leave to hide the cake while Naitik and Raj go to wake up their princess. The room has pictures all around the wall, some of Salman Khan, some of the girl and her family, and one big photo of a girl holding a baby boy. Naitik and Raj get surprised to see that their princess is already awake.

Raj (frowning) - Princess how did you get up so early?

Princess (smiling) - Hello dadaji and papa... (goes to take their blessings) actually, Nanheji came with Lavanyaji to wish me happy birthday... and therefore I woke up and also this little boy (pointing to a sleeping boy who looks around 2) decided that he doesn't want his mum to sleep and therefore kicked me in his sleep.

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