pool pt 2

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jadens pov
i wake up in anthony's arms. very nice tbh, what am i talking about he's my friend why do i think that's nice ugh. everyone suddenly screams when i open my eyes (not really screams but gasps) they were all suddenly happy. anthony let out a huge gasp, he seemed very reliefed that i woke up. i don't even know what happened until i see blood on my hands "ahhhh" i yelled  "shhh, everything's alright relax, we'll get you all checked up at the doctors" anthony said calmly. "w-w- what happened to me" i said trying to keep the tears in ( big shocker because i don't cry at all) "payton threw a rock at ur head and you passed out in the pool and i jumped in to get you" anthony said. i was in shock that anthony cares enough about me to jump in to get me. i think i actually like anthony. it's weird but  everytime i spend time with him i feel like nothing else matters to me. he makes me feel like i'm not alone. "jaden? earth to jaden ??" anthony says laughing. "oh sorry" i say. "let's get you inside bab- jaden" anthony said. HE JUST ALMOST CALLED ME HIS BABY UGH I CANT WHY AM I SO IN LOVE WITH THIS BOY. HE ACTUALLY CARES FOR ME UGHHH.

goodnight everyone. i love you all :)

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