"Whoa, no violence please children." Jack said walking up to us with Anna.

"Yeah yeah, that's great. I got a new magic trick to show you." Anna said smiling pulling out a deck of cards.

And she kept on moving the cards around in cool ways but she then accidentally spilled coke all over Jacks pants making the rest of us laugh.

"Seriously Anna?" Jack said annoyed rolling his eyes.

"It looked like you pissed yourself, dude." Lilia said giggling.

"Ahh, the carbonation feels weird in my balls." Jack said putting his hands on the bench and pushing himself up a little making me scrunch my nose while I was laughing.

"Shut the fuck up man." Luke said chuckling and hit him upside the head.

"I'll get you napkins." I said still giggling and walked over to there the utensils and all that stuff was and grabbed a few napkins.

While I was walking back outside I saw Hayden... he was leaning against his car in the parking lot about 100 feet away from me. My stomach dropped and my heart rate increased and I saw him typing on his phone and my phone buzzed.

I forgive you for what you did. I know you didn't mean to do that and you still want me.

I don't.

Then prove it.

How do I do that jackass? I looked around and I saw Asher who just sat down at his popular table and I walked over to him grabbed his face once again.

My hand cradled the back of his head and my other hand was on his cheek after a second I felt his hands on my arms trying to push me back and I did but tried not to make it obvious that I was because he pushed me off.

I looked up to see Hayden hit the hood of his car and got in it and slammed the door shut. I smiled satisfied and walked back over to my table.

"You wanna talk about it?" Anna asked.

"Nope, here are your napkins." I said handing them to Jack.

And we didn't, the rest of the lunch period I could tell that the blondes and Jack wanted to talk about it but we didn't and I'm glad for that.

I absolutely hate Hayden and hopes he goes to hell pretty soon and I really hope I never see him again... unless it is in hell of course.

After lunch I went to my locker and just hung around there for a minute when I heard someone call my name behind me.

"Julianna? Hey, Julianna." They said and I turned to see Asher Angel jogging over to me.

"Uhh, hey hi." He said weirdly.

"What?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Uhh, I just wanted to say that I'm flattered but no, me and Mia are just on a break so you and I are—" he started to say but I cut him off.

"Wait wait wait? Are you trying to reject me?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Well, yeah. I guess I did make it clear by pushing you off or anything but still." He said a little confused.

"Listen Pretty Boy I don't have a crush on you or even like you." I said shaking my head.

"Then... why'd you kiss me? Twice?" He asked even more confused.

"Because I didn't want this other guy to think that I liked him so I kissed you to make him believe that I moved on. It didn't mean anything." I said shrugging and closed my locker door.

"Really?" He asked getting all cocky and squinting his eye at me.

"Really." I said reassuring him.

"I doubt that." He said.

I sighed and then went up to him and pressed my lips against his. He immediately pushed me off and wiped his mouth.

"See, it means nothing." I said smiling and he just glared at me. "It was just a kiss."

"Eww." Was all he said still wiping his mouth.

"Eww? What do you mean eww?" I asked putting my hands on my hips.

"I mean eww I don't like you like that and your just some loser who think she's all badass and does whatever she wants." He said rolling his eyes.

"Ow." I said sarcastically.

That is kinda how I am though.

"The truth hurts." He said shrugging.

"So does this apparently." I said and grabbed his face again and kissed him this time I held on to his head a bit stronger so he had a harder time pushing me off.

I let go of him and said, "Catch ya later Pretty Boy." And when I walked past him I let my shoulder hit his.

"Damn, I'm not gonna underestimate you ever." Syd said walking next to my and I just smirked.


I'm just gonna say it. I love Jack. And I feel like that the character and the real him are kinda alike.

I hope you liked the chapter and I'd appreciate it if you vote and comment your thoughts but it's up to you.

Love you all 💜🦔🌻

Just a kiss// Ashannie Where stories live. Discover now