The Beginning of The End

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Klin and Zadel had just went through a rough break-up and Klin felt bad that he had lost his lover, his only true friend and went into depression. Alone in the woods he sat giving up hope, until a music began playing in the distance like a voice was calling to him. (Terrible Fate by Theophany aka Song of Healing) It was a beautiful melody and he felt his pain at ease. He followed the sound as it began amplifying as he approached it. Then a voice spoke to him.

???: You have met with a terrible fate havent you?

(Klin turned around startled and saw a man with a peaceful grin on his face. He seemed always happy and delighted.)

???: Dont be startled, let me introduce myself. I am the happiest man alive!

(Klin stared blankly at the man in silence but he didn't feel scared or worried.)

Lase: Lase is my name and I am the ray of hope that will remove the mask of sorrow you wear and beam light into your life. Do not give up on happiness or hope. You lost something valuable to you. I can help you get that back. You can say I've been watching you but that would be creepy right? So I know of you and the things you've been through. I will tell you the details of my knowing later. You've been stuck in a loop your whole life Klin. You lived in a world that repeats itself day and night through out the history of time. A great spirit sleeps within you and a hero he shall become. But this time you will break the curse placed over this land since the beginning and free yourself from the darkness that lurks within, and then pierce the evil that brought the darkness and plagued every creatures heart in life. You have been sleeping for a long time now Klin, and it is time you have awakened one last time.

(Lase points behind Klin to a rusty sword bounded into the ground.)

Lase: That sword is your strength and once you wield it nothing will have power over you. Only one who bares a pure and kind heart can wield it. No one else can even budge it. No one, but you. You have that exact heart. A great and terrible fiend will approach this life with mighty powers and people will bow before him like he is a king or some god. It is time Klin. It is time to take back what has been stolen eons ago. You are the link between time, the peace maker in this life, and the courage in you is GREAT. You are fearless but the fear that exist in the world has shackled your courage for a long time so you felt scared when you shouldn't of been. Hold the blade in your hand and then face your darkness first. As long as it exist within you it will try to stop you and put your life on hault so you do not proceed and be victorious. I am always happy to help when you call. If your wondering who I am truly to have such knowledge, I am a ghost, a spirit that roams through time. I have seen everything the plague in the world has done and I hate it with a GREAT passion. This time it is a new age, a new era, and now it is time to end all of this that the great and terrible fiend has done. The three Goddess have made this land for the people to enjoy life. He is the reason for Demise's birth onto this land. This darkness, this shadow, this fiend must be sealed away, and the seal will be the death of him. You who bare the weight of time and the courageous heart, seal him away with time so he never spawns again. All that he has done shall be undone and the curse and the plagued ones will be lifted from this world and live forever in peace. Hyrule is on the brink of destruction but you can save it in time. Now flow into the light and use it to bring sunrise to this dark tormenting nightmare in this land. The Goddess of Time will guide you and the sisters who gave her this land will aid you. Farore's courage is embedded in you, Nayru's love will find and comfort you, and Din's fire will incinerate all that tries to stop you. Destroy this fiend and save everyone and everything in time. I believe in you the most. You'll remember who you are when you wield that sword again. Farewell for now, Klin. 

Klin felt everything the man said and he didn't think ill of him, neither did he believe he was lying. Klin wanted to rid of the darkness in him and the will to save everyone pounded his chest. So he reached for the rusty sword and... Memories... Sweet and painful, but it was going to help him through this journey he will undergo in this life. He remembered he was Link and his past lives were unforgettable. So he knew all the skills and techniques he once learned, but had to pratice to use them to claim his victory if he wanted to win this soon to be notorious war against the darkness. He knew he was the light. 

Lase: Hmhmhmhmhmhm... It is now time to end this eternal war. This will be the final battle between the darkness and the light. Claim what is yours, Link. Ganondorf, he only appears evil because of the rage and anger he feels within. Using the Trifroce he wishes to rayne over the land so it calms his desire. He and his people have suffered in the burning desert in the sands of time. He is not your true enemy. Try to understand him and reason. After you have defeated the darkness within you, defeat the darkness within him and destroy his anger. Help bring peace to him and his people. He bares the Tri-force of Power and Din's flames, his strength will help you. Your lost lover, She has great wisdom and she is most beautiful. Her love will comfort and protect you from the loneliness you will face on your journey. I know it seems impossible to get her back in your arms, but don't give up on that hope young hero. Zelda will come back to you. You are bounded for life through love in the spirit. The three of you will fight together for the first time in history and conquer the land. But be warned, the evil and darkness that lurks within the heart will try to seperate you three. DO NOT LET IT SUCCEED, or you will truly feel miserable. That's what it wants so do not feed it with aimless bickering. This requires team work. So be a team, be friends, be family. Farore, Nayru, Din, and Hylia. This is their land, their people, and they want to take it all back!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2019 ⏰

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