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Cray POV
"Marcus go check on kath and I'll go check upstairs" I said. Then I darted upstairs. I reached the top of the stairs. I saw bazz on the ground. I looked at the wall and it had a huge dent in it.  I checked bazz's pulse he was still alive. I went over to Elliott. He was bleeding bad. I knew the ambulance would be here any second. So I picked Elliott up and carried him up the stairs all the way to the top floor. I set him down so I could open the door then I picked him up again and brought him outside. Then the ambulance arrived. About a minute later kath walked out. Then Marcus walked out. He was helping bazz walk. As soon as they walked out another ambulance pulled up. After a few minutes the guy walked out with a swat team surrounding him. Anyways I got into the ambulance with Bazz. Marcus and kath went with Elliott.

The next day they go home well cray bazza Marcus and kath.

M. Kath why was he after you?
K. I don't know he has stalked me and he has tried to rape me multiple times.
M. Ok

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