Nozel Silva x Reader- A Strange Feeling Part 1

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"Hey! What's up! How've you been?" She says cheerfully.

"Wayment, didn't I just see you yesterday, you told me about the quest at...about 10pm...did you drink coffee or..." I squint my eyes as I question her.

"I don't know. I'm just excited because get to be on a quest with you." She cries as she hugs me. More like squishing me.

Okay, for once she's not annoying but, adorable this time.

Me and (Friend's Name) walk outside headquarters and wait for the Captain to show up. While we're waiting, I take my sword and start cleaning it with a cloth.

"So, Y/N, you never actually on how you got that sword, was it forged, passed down, or did it come with your grimoire?" (Friend's Name) asks me.

"To be quite honest, I think it was passed down from generations, I remember my father telling me on how grandfather used it in battles," I confirm. "Why'd you ask."

"Because I like the way you dance in battle, I love the way you move with the rapier, and how your light magic enchants you." She boasted.

At her words, a crimson blush spreads across my face, which is so out of my character because I'm usually impassive.

"Thanks..." I said, turning away while putting my sword back in its case.

A few minutes later, I see the Captain coming out to face us with his normal impassive face.


"Good morning, Captain."

"Good morning, Y/N, (Friend's Name)." He says, staring at nothing but me but, puts more stare into my prosthetic hand and my sword.


To break his stare and the awkward silence, I ask him what our mission is.

"It's a really easy one, all we have to do is defeat some rebels. That's it." He says staring at the sky.

"Oh, okay. Do you know what town it's in?" I ask him, with my normal impassive face.

He doesn't answer and continues staring into the sky. Me and (friends name) just wait for him to reply.




Sir, are you their? Are you still working? You usually don't do this.

"Sorry about that, I thought I heard enemies nearby, so I was sensing mana. By the way, the town is called Norshe." He replies, and turns back to stare at me.

(Friends Name) and I look at each other and our infamous way of speaking to each other: ESP.

'You think he's lying?' (Friend's Name) asks me as she tilts her head.

'He's thinks we're oblivious, there are obviously no enemies around. I would've killed them already." I deadpan.

"What are you two insects muttering about?" I jump as the Captain narrows his eyes at us.

I sigh, not having a reaction to what he had just asked, I don't want to get in trouble, and nor do I want to act cool about it. I just want to get this over with.

"Nothing, Captain. We should get a head start now, I'm moving on." I say as I get into position to use my mana skin."

"Wait! Y/N don't go yet!" Is all I hear from friends name when I jump towards the sky and into the town we go...

(✓) 𝗜𝗡𝗙𝗔𝗧𝗨𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡.  - bc oneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora