(Note: gauri wore handful of Bangles so her tattoo was hidden.. and ommkara wore full sleeve royal dress..so his tattoo was also hidden)

"What do you mean"

Ommkara ask..

"Forget that kunwarsa....first take care of your palace security... because it's too weak that anyone can enter here"

Gauri said seeing in his eyes...
She try to divert his mind from her...

Ommkara realise ...she is right...she is entering the palace.. Even his room without anyone caught her...how?

Gauri about to move ...

"Can we meet again?"

He ask desperately...
Gauri stop at her path ... didn't turn to him...her back face to him...

What will she answered him?
She don't want to face him soon after he saw her face....
Because she know... the feelings which she burried years ago...
It will come out again... and she will helpless.... distract from her goal...

"I will be there.... when you need me....I .....I mean you need help"

She said...try to control her heart beat....

"Can we meet tomorrow"

He ask expectedly....
Gauri was confuse...

She turn to him and ask..


"Because I need  your help"

He said...
He want to meet her because he have lots of questions in his mind about her...
He need answer....
Right now he don't want to ask her because she is not looking fine...


Gauri ask...


Ommkara answer shortly...
Gauri didn't say anything and nodded...
Then she turn to go...

"At least tell me your name before leave"

He said...

Gauri don't know what to do... but at last she take a deep breath and said..


And quickly leave from there....
While ommkara still looking at her retreating figure....
He is in confusion....
Why he is feeling attached to her...

"Who is she? ...why I felt like I met someone who is close to me? I felt like...I .....I met.... gauri"

He said himself confuse...

"No no....she is Durga.... not gauri... my gauri will never behave like a stranger to me...
She will jump in happiness when she saw me"

Ommkara said with teary smile.. when he remembered his little gauri...his crazy one....

"I hope... wherever you was gauri ... you are fine.... and I will find you soon...I will find you my friend"

Ommkara said himself.... but still he is afraid and praying for her well being.. ...
He pull his sleeves and look at the tattoo name "gauri"

"And I know how I will recognize you....I know my name was wrote in your hand.. and I will find you"

He said smiling....
Then looking towards the door...

"But then...who is she?''

He is desperate to know about the mask girl....


Gauri reach near the lake....
The same lake which is near to her gang living cave....

She is still wearing that same lehnga....
The moon is shining on the sky ...
But her heart is feeling pain...
She had tears...
She don't know why she feeling like this again when she burried her every feelings years ago....

Why after meeting him...after he saw her....she is crying....why..
Why she again turn to the same gauri..,.whom she killed years ago....

His gaze.....his touch is affecting her....
She harshly wipe her tears....she is irritated to herself for being weak in front of her feelings....

"No.....I am not gauri....I am Durga... that gauri was dead long ago.....he is only my kunwarsa.... not my friend ommkara"

She said herself to assure....

"But....after years....I can see that little gauri in you"

Gauri heard this and turn.... only to find Priyanka....
She come to gauri....

"You tried hard to make yourself Durga.... and you was successful.. but still.... somewhere in your heart.... that little innocent gauri is still alive"

Priyanka said...she know gauri had a past with prince ommkara...
But she never ask because gauri don't want to talk about this....

Listen to her....
Gauri turn her back to her...

"No.... that gauri was dead..... and she will never be alive"

Saying this gauri leave from there...
While Priyanka is tensed to see gauri condition....



Ommkara get ready to went for assembly.... because today ajaya will be punished for his deed....in front of everyone...
He know it's not that easy ... because pinky and abhaya are there...
And now he has a new mission...
Make strong and increase the palace security....

But when he come out to assembly...
He was shocked to hear a news...

"Prince ajaya was escape from the jail"

That was all he heard...


So...ajaya was escape..
Now what will happen...
Can ommkara meet gauri again..
Can he able to know Durga truth...
Let's see

Sorry for the short chappy
Mad girl..

THE KING OF LOVE AND THE QUEEN OF WAR (SS) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now