face the truth

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Friends... This story didn't reach more than 50 votes for each chapter.... I am really disappointed.... So I will update next chappy when this chappy reach 60 votes... I am not setting any target but I want to know how many want this story... 😐😐😐

After the encounter with that mask girl... Ommkara come out from that house...

The mask girl was already gone...
He saw randhir...


Randhir come to him but shock to see his angry mood...

"Who are mask gang"

Ommkara question him suddenly... Randhir is taken aback to listen this... Who told him about the mask gang..

"Tell me randhir... Who are that mask gang... Why they are active in our kingdom..what kind of work they are doing.. And Why that mask girl told me that the king is failed to protect his kingdom... Just tell me the truth"

Ommkara demand... Randhir don't know what to say... He gulp in fear and try to speak...

"Ku-kuwarsa.... It's better if you ask all this to maharaj"

"Just tell me the truth damn it"

Ommkara shout on peak... His eyes is red in anger... Randhir got scared.... Now he have no option... He have to tell everything...
He sigh and calm himself...

"OK kuwarsa... Then listen... That mask girl is right... People are suffering in our kingdom since years and we can't do anything to save them.... And that is the reason that all the people saw towards you with hope"

Ommkara is confused...

"What do you mean... Just tell me clearly "

Randhir noded... And take ommkara to an isolated place... And began...

"After you leave all are going good.... But when kuwar ajaya involved himself in kingdoms important matters... All are changed... "

Ommkara patiencely listen him...

"Kuwar ajaya take the main minister post forcefully.... Who actually take care of all the kingdom... Then he used his power to fulfil his.... His needs"

Radhir stammer... It's like he is run out of words...

"Tell me everything randhir"

Ommkara encouraged him... He is scared to listen further.... But he have to...

"Kuwar ajaya.... He.... He want a new girl in every second day.... "

Ommkara just shock.. Because he understand the hidden meaning...

"He use his power to threatened the girls or kidnap them..... If her family protest then he punished them and send them to jail.... Give them wrose punishment "

Ommkara is not able to react... How can someone do this... But why his father didn't stop him...

"What?  But why no one stop him... Father?  Why he is silent"

Ommkara ask in disbelief...
Randhir smile sadly...

"What will he do ommkara.... When maharani ready to protect her evil sons... Maharani pinky stop maharaj to punished kuwar ajaya.... She threatened that if maharaj take action against ajaya and abhaya then she kill himself.. And I am sorry to say this but our maharaj is not that much strong to refuse maharani order... And you know that "

Ommkara stood there like a rock... Yes he knew pinky had a grip on his father.... But it's wrong...

Not matter what but a King is always a King in first place... His family... his emotions is always in second position....
Just then he recollect randhirs words.... Abhaya?

THE KING OF LOVE AND THE QUEEN OF WAR (SS) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now