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After two hours, you find the key. You unlock the door and are now in a room that looks like a forest. There are many trees wrapped in thorns. A voice says,

"On the opposite side of this room is a door that can only be opened with a code. That code is engraved in one of these trees. But beware the thorns; one prick of them and it's venom will pour into your bloodstream. This will kill you within a minute. Or, you can climb up the bars in the walls and across the ceiling 30 feet up to a hatch in the ceiling." Which do you do?

Your options:

A) Ceiling bars; I might prick myself with the trees (Page 70)

B) Trees, easily; I'll fall to my death if I try to climb! (Page 54)

LabyrinthTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang