Chapter 7. "Ethan's club."

Start from the beginning


Grayson's POV-

Ethan grips my hand and says,
"Are you ready to go inside?"
I'm honestly as ready as I'll ever be. So I tell him,
He reaches for the handle and pulls the door open. It's so dark in here. Adjusting my eyes I realize that everyone I can see is glowing. I look down at my white Gucci shirt under the light and realize why Ethan picked this one. I look back up and my eyes scan the room. Everyone's outfits look insane. My nervousness is back. I have never been to anything like this before. I hear myself,
What did I get myself into. There is probably about 50 people in here but the room itself is actually pretty big. My eyes dart to the big stage in the center of the room. I can see a women all tied up. There is also a man behind her. I can't make out what he is doing but she looks like she's squirming a lot. Her face paint is glowing and so are the ropes. It actually looks pretty cool from here.

Ethan's still holding my hand and I feel him lightly tug me in his direction

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Ethan's still holding my hand and I feel him lightly tug me in his direction. I follow him to a table near the back. Perfect. He slides in first then pats his thigh.
"Will you sit on my lap?"
I sit on his lap and feel his hand slid around my waist halfway holding me up. I feel his hand slide up under my shirt and he begins to rub circles with his thumb. I let my eyes close. Quiet and peaceful. Just how I like to vibe. Out of nowhere I hear heavy footsteps approaching. I can see someone out of the corner of my eye. Moment ruined. I turn my head to look at whoever disturbed my peace and standing there is a tall man I have never seen before. Next to him on the floor is a girl. Why is she on the floor? My eyes travel to a neon collar around her neck and back to the leash in his hand. What is going on here? What is this? Why is she on the ground? Why does she have cat ears on? My thoughts are cut short when I hear,
"Ethan, long time no see. I'm glad you made it. I heard that this show was going to be a crazy one so I had to bring my submissive here."
Oh, so they know each other. What did he mean by a crazy one?? I look at Ethan's face as he nods to the man,
"I couldn't miss it."
I watch as the pair both walks away suddenly. Well not both of them walked. The women crawled away on her hands and knees. Trying to process what just happened I tuck my head into Ethan's neck. I don't think I liked that. She didn't even talk. I hear Ethan's neck vibrate as he says,
"If you're wondering she was a kitten. Some people are very different here. Let's go somewhere private? Shall we?"
Bless him. I feel like a jittery mess down here. I don't want to run into anyone odd. I don't know who all is here. I am swept off my feet bridal style suddenly. I feel a smile stretch onto my lips. People from all directions stare at us. Screw them, all I can focus on right now is Ethan. He's perfect for me. He walks me to the elevator. Wow this place is huge. He presses the 3 and up we go. We walk out and I realize that we are up on a balcony and pretty high up. Looking down I can see the stage perfectly and all of the people below us. My eyes skim the balcony we are on now and find no one. Confused I turn to question him but he beats me to it,
"I'm the only one allowed be up here. I like my privacy some times."
We are so similar. I like to keep to myself as well. Especially in situations like these where I don't know anyone. I smile at him and watch as he sits down on a big throne like chair right by the ledge of the balcony. Already knowing what he will ask I sit on his lap. After getting comfortable I turn to face the stage. I hear him say,
"Are you ready? It's about to start."
I think I'm ready. I hope. I don't know what to expect. I tell him,
"I think so. I'm not sure what's happening."
He nods and places his hands on my waist.
"I actually have no idea what will be happening either. It's different every time. People volunteer to do a scene on stage to ease everyone into different kinds of BDSM and make them more comfortable with it."
Okay. I like that. I guess this is for people like me then. Before I can even respond back to Ethan I'm getting pulled away from my thoughts. A loud voice booms through the speakers.

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