+thirty one

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eunbi stepped out from the entrance of the studio, feeling the cold breeze of night air hitting her face, replacing the warmth of the studio heater. she breathed in the fresh air, glancing at the quiet neighbourhood before looking up to the night sky filled with shining stars.

"beautiful, isn't it?"

a voice spoke from behind her and she turned her attention from the sky to the owner of the voice as he stepped next to her. he smiled at her before tilting his head upward, gazing to the sky as he spoke, "do you remember how we used to stargaze together when we were kids?"

eunbi stared at taehwan for a while longer before she returned back to watching the sky, and answered softly, "yeah.. we always did that everytime mom and dad fight."

"you would be crying everytime.." he chuckled to himself, "and we would play a game to make you forget about the fight. still remember the game?"

eunbi breathed out as the memories flood back to her mind, "whoever found the shiniest star wins." she smiled at the memory and turned to taehwan, "now that i think about it, that was such a lame game. couldn't you come out with something better?"

taehwan looked at her incredulously before scoffing, "and yet, you would insist that you win everytime, and sulk if you lose."

eunbi laughed at taehwan's reaction and she returned back to admiring the sky with a smile. it was good to be happy and forget all the pain.

"eunbi-ya.." taehwan called out, his voice sounded serious. "i know i have said this hundred of times before, but i'm gonna say it again — i'm sorry. i'm sorry for leaving, i'm sorry for not being a good brother, i'm sorry for being selfish. the young me thought that i couldn't achieve my dream if i had to take care of you. that's why i left and—"

"stop." eunbi cut in before taehwan could say more, "you don't have to explain. i could somehow understand you. well, we were both young and it isn't your responsibility to take care of me. you were just doing favour for yourself. at least, you've become a popular actor now. if you left and you failed, now, that was something you should be sorry of."

she shot a genuine smile at him and continued, "well, i want to apologise to you too. i shouldn't treat you that way before. i was so devastated when you left and i just... learnt to hate you. because then, i wouldn't have to miss you or even hope for you to come back. i barely got my life together when you found me, and i thought: it would be unfair to me if i just simply forgive you after what you did." she breathed out, " i am a bad sister, ain't i?"

taehwan shook his head and pulled her into his embrace, "shhhh... we all made mistakes. it's all in the past anyway. we've grown up and we will stay together from now on."

eunbi was flustered from the sudden embrace. she stood still in his arms as the feeling was foreign to her. she couldn't remember the last time someone had held her this way. she closed her eyes and enjoyed the warmth, slowly hugging her brother back.

"i will get my brother back now?" she questioned softly, and taehwan chuckled, "yup, and we can also play the lame game again if you want."

"oh my.." the man giggled excitedly as he aimed his camera and captured a few more pictures of the hugging couple. "this gonna be a big news tomorrow." he laughed and viewed the pictures in satisfaction.

"let me see.... what kind of title would be good for this scandal?" he hummed in thought for a while before his lips broke into a wide smile. "SM's new singer, raine is caught dating with actor X... woahh, that is perfect."

he smiled to himself as he stood up from his hiding and returned to his car. with a last glance to the couple who had parted and entered the studio again, he entered his car and drove away.

runaway love / cha eunwoo astro ✔Where stories live. Discover now