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thanks to these two amazing, lovely, supportive, creative friends (i could call you that, right?), i finally could write another chapter, tho it probably wasn't good — hey, i squeezed everything from my brain to pour it here so do spare me— anyway, without these two, i wouldn't be able to do it. so, give a big applause and lots of love to candyxs and Tsuki102 for contributing ideas to me.


the moment eunwoo returned to the practice room, all astro members sprang up to their feet, each one of them had the same expectant look on their face.

"how it's going? did you met her before she left?"

eunwoo ran his hand through his hair, shaking his head as a deep sigh escaped his lips. he trudged to the couch, bringing both his hands up to cover his face as he tried so hard not to burst into tears, in front of his members.

astro members shared a worried look. rocky was about to approach the visual when moonbin stopped him by the wrist, "i'll do it." he mouthed to the younger boy and the latter nodded.

moonbin heaved a sigh before making his way to his roommate. as moonbin went to talk with eunwoo, rocky gestured for everyone to leave, giving the two close friends a space to talk, and they all agreed without arguing.

now, don't get this wrong: they were all practically brothers but not everyone could do a great job in comforting eunwoo. plus, they all knew that the visual always had a soft spot for his roommate.

"i'm sure she has her own reasons for doing that." moonbin started cautiously. eunwoo, at the moment, was so fragile that moonbin needed to act extra careful so that he wouldn't break the boy further.

"she loves you, remember?" he added, assurance lacing his voice. "plus, the management said that she had some family issues that needed her to return home for quite a long time. that's why she couldn't continue the project and decided to leave the company altogether."

eunwoo lifted his head up and turned to moonbin, his eyes were bloodshot from crying. "family issues?" eunwoo scoffed, "the only family she has is taehwan hyung and she don't even know that he is working under the same company."

moonbin was baffled with the new piece of information he had just received. "taehwan hyung? as in lee taehwan of 5urprise?"

he honestly didn't know which one shocked him more: the fact that the management was lying about eunbi's departure or the fact that eunbi was taehwan's little sister.

"then why—"

"they found out about our relationship." eunwoo voiced out, his eyes were blank as he stared into spaces.

"whAT?!" moonbin almost freaked out —actually, he did. his eyes were widened to the max. the two news he found out before were nothing compared to this.

this is the real deal, he thought internally. barely recovering from the shock, moonbin blurted out a series of questions, "what??how? i mean— when?"

"the manager talked to me about it this morning." eunwoo cleared his starting-to-sore throat, "i'm sure they've confront her about it."

"so, you mean, the company forced her to leave because of the matter?" moonbin pointed out.

eunwoo nodded. "i have to go see her. you think you can cover me up for a while?" he stood up, grabbing his things laid on the floor as he looked at moonbin for answer.

"u-uhh, sure. i'll do it." eunwoo smiled thankfully, tapped moonbin's shoulder and went out the door.


eunwoo didn't know where to go to find eunbi. he tried calling her phone many times but all he got was the automatic response of voicemail from the annoying operator.

so, his last resort was to go to her rooftop house, the one where they had spent a precious memory together during his runaway phase.

this is where their story started. this is where they shared their laughs, stories, tears. this is where he found back his happiness, his love, his everything.

but now, the place was empty. she wasn't there. the light was off, the door was locked, the windows were closed. she had left the place, leaving their memory and him behind. all because of him and the cruel reality of the world.

out at the road, eunwoo stood in regrets, heads hung low as he felt a drop of water fell to his cheeks.

"lee eunbi, please come back to me." he whispered, his voice was weak and hopeless.


the end.

just joking 😂😂😂 don't kill me. please wait for the next update ^^

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