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i woke up to this and i felt shocked, empty and heartbroken

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i woke up to this and i felt shocked, empty and heartbroken.

it was... i can't even explain how i am feeling at this moment. i just can't seem to believe it.

i haven't been a loyal aroha – haven't been active in the kpop fandom world and have long been missing out on astro's news but i do not expect this news to be the one i first heard related to astro after so long.

moon bin is not my first bias in astro but he is the person who catch my attention everytime. i remember looking for his video with eunwoo cause i just really love seeing them together. his voice, his dance skill – everything is just eye-catching. to see this news of him passing, at one point, i wished this is not true and a miracle is going to happen somehow.

to everyone who is griefing, i shared my deepest condolences with you. moon bin was truly one of the most wonderful people i had ever stanned in kpop world. it was hard to say this, but rest in peace, moonbin. thank you for being my bias, thank you for making me laugh, thank you for being the best idol ever.

maybe God see how hard you worked in this life and want you to rest so He took you with him a bit early.

moon bin, you may no longer be here, but you will always live in the memory of arohas.

–deepest condolences, deelight.

runaway love / cha eunwoo astro ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora