37 ✧ the light in you

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hello beautiful people! It's 2.30 in the morning and I'm tired :( I didn't have time to proof read this chappie so please forgive me if I made any mistakes x


He enters the bleak room, freshly showered and after a simple dinner. Instantly, his eyes take notice of the teal box once again that sits by the side, left untouched for the last couple of days.

He takes a seat, reaching for the box, he opens it, sees the mess of the letters in box.

"We haven't read the letters in a while, we should do that, yeah?" He says to himself, digging around the small box, looking for one he hasn't read yet.

"Aha." He whispers, then pulls one out, one that doesn't have an envelop, and he remembers this one as clear as day.

And for some reason, he has a smile on his face as his eyes gaze over the letter, reminiscing the memory.

Then, he reads...

"Dearest Harry, my love,

I'm not gonna lie, my hands are shaking as I write this because I'm terrified, to be perfectly honest with you. Terrified of the future...


The once bearable cold now seemed to have seeped through his oversized hoodie, numbing his skin and raising goosebumps. But Harry's warm breath fanning over the cold skin on his neck could be the cause of that too.

"Are you mad?" Harry asks meekly after a moment of silence. "For not telling you that Desmond's my father?"

The blonde laughs lightly, shaking his head. "Why should I be? I'm sure you had your reasons why you kept it in you for as long as you did. It's not an easy topic to talk about yeah?"

"Yeah..." Harry breathes out, running a hand through his hair.

"Listen, Harry?" Niall calls in a sweet tone, leaning his head on Harry's shoulder, mindlessly playing with the long necklaces hanging down his chest.

"I've got to admit something too." Niall says in a low whisper, snuggling closer to Harry's warmth.

They're practically freezing their nuts off for just being in simple hoodies and sweatshirts since it's only a month to October, but both of them can't bear to move. Can't bear to leave the somewhat spooky and dark playground because it's obvious— they're both scared that if they do, it'll pop whatever bubble they're in now. And they really do not want to get back to reality, especially since Niall's terrified that Harry might still shut him off. Especially because Dr Eric could call anytime this week for the results.

"What is it?" Harry asks softly, his large hand that's hidden under Niall's hoodie pulls him even closer, till Niall's practically sitting on his lap.

"I think I may have been the one who told Desmond where you lived." He admits sheepishly, smiling nervously. "When you left me alone with him at the airport in Paris, he was asking me if we lived together, and I said no, but I told him you live across the street from me. A-And he kinda has my information because of all the administrative forms I had to sign for him and everything... are you mad? That he dropped by at your place? Because of me? I-I mean, I didn't–"

"I'm not mad at you, love." Harry cuts him off, shaking his head, smiling a small smile reassuringly. "It isn't your fault to begin with."

Tension and nervousness Niall had no idea was building up inside of him, seeps out of his body. He was almost afraid Harry might be mad at him.

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