01 ✧ green eyes

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HELLO EVERYONE!! Here's the first chapter of Sealed With A Kiss!!! I hope you like it xxx

these stars :


will be the indication that it's jumping to the flashback or vice versa


The room has a stagnant smell, quiet and dull.

He closes his eyes, then takes his cold, paling hands in his own. They're not much warmer with the temperature in the room; cold, frigid and chilly, but compared to the limp ones in his hands, they feel a lot better. The contrast between clear skin and tattooed— so different, yet, they fit together perfectly like puzzle pieces.

"I'll always remember our first letter." He whispers, feeling the threatening tears pooling up in his eyes. "It was short, just a couple of words. But I knew those words were sincere, coming from the heart..."

He inhales shakily, trying to calm himself down by matching his breathing to the beeping of the machines that surrounded the bed, the only indications of his heartbeat, his existence.

Once he's composed himself, just slightly, he releases one hand from his cold ones, then reaches into the rectangular teal coloured box, pulling out the letter, letting his callused fingers run over the fragile crumpled piece of paper carefully.

He lets his eyes run over them, and inhaling a deep breath, he reads it out loud, "Thank you for making my day..." He mumbles, then folds the paper back. "That's all it said. Our first letter. It was simple, but sealed with a kiss."


12:56 PM. And still no sign of him.

"Niall, if you're gonna sit there all day, you might as well be cleaning the shelves." Zayn calls out, and before the blonde knows it, a damp cloth hits him on the shoulder.

He turns to his best friend, a pout on his face. "But Zaynieeee." He whines pathetically as he snatches the cloth off his shoulder.

"Don't Zaynieeee me," the raven haired lad mocks with a roll of his eyes. "If Claude comes back from his delivery and sees you slacking off he's going to have a cow mate, and you know it."

Niall sighs, hopping off from the ledge.

"Day six, it's almost one pm and he still isn't here." He says, a little too dramatically.

Zayn rolls his eyes. "Hate to tell ya this, bud, but maybe you should just give it up, yeah?" Zayn says carefully with a small, sympathetic smile.

"But I can't." Niall huffs. "I actually miss him."

Zayn raises a brow, looking back up at his blonde best friend from the shelf of vinyls he was arranging. "Ni... you haven't even spoken one word to the lad for the three weeks he has been busking outside. I think he even knows me better than you since I'm always dropping in your money for you. Oh, and must I remind you, you fell off the ledge the second you guys made 'eye contact'." He teases with a playful eye roll, doing finger quotations at eye contact.

"Hey! We totally did make eye contact, for about two seconds, which still counts. But you know what, believe what you will. And also, I definitely did not fall off the ledge..."

He definitely did.

"Whatever you say, lover boy." Zayn sing-songs, keeping a Fall Out Boy vinyl back on the shelf.

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