08 ✧ masterpiece

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happy friday lovelies 💖


"You know, one of the millions of reasons why I love you, is how insightful you are. You always dig deep and you see things from different perspectives."

A breathy chuckle escapes his lips, a soft smile playing on his lips. "You have a way with words and you always know what to say, or in our case— write, to make things better. You always make things better."

He swallows down the lump in his throat, thumb stroking over the back of his cold hand.

"You once told me that I'm equally as insightful, that I can see the bigger picture and that I'm so... grounded. Thing is, you are the centre of my world. You keep me grounded."

He sniffles, his eyes soon glaze with a glassy layer of tears again. He blinks, and the tears drip from his eyelids, sliding down his cheeks.

"And that's how our letters always were, you know? Crafted with simple words, but we still kept each other grounded."

He reaches into the teal box once again, pulling out the fifth note and reading it out loud for his boyfriend, hoping it'll somehow jolt his conscience.

"Thank you, your words mean the world..."


"I can't believe you dragged me to this shit." Zayn hisses under his breath, glaring daggers to the side of his best mate's head.

"Oh come on, Zee." Niall rolls his eyes. "It's not that bad. Besides, you love drawing. So how can you possibly hate an art museum?"

"That's different. I like doodling stuff for fun. Not stare at boring museum pieces." Zayn huffs.

"Shhh..." A lad walking in front of Zayn and Niall shushes them, a scowl on his face, pointing and gesturing to the museum guide who's explaining the art pieces.

Niall gives him a sheepish smile, then tugs on Zayn's elbow to get them to slow down, just so they wouldn't be disturbing the other students in the class.

"You guys are University students for fucks sake. I don't get why you have to go on some silly school trip. You're not seven." Zayn scowls.

Niall stops in his tracks, then stares at his best friend. "Okay, seriously Zayn. What the hell is up with you?"

"I've dragged you along to so many of these trips to the museum in the past and you've never complained this much. Tell me, what has gotten your thongs in a twist?"

Zayn rolls his eyes defiantly. "Nothing." He insists with a lazy shrug. "I just don't like museums."

This time, it's Niall's turn to roll his eyes.

"Seriously Zee..." Niall sighs. "You alright?" He asks, softer this time.

Zayn sighs, running a hand through his dark hair.

"Do you think I'm ugly, Ni?" The raven boy finally asks meekly. "Like, honestly?"

The best friends stop in their tracks, and Niall stares at his best mate, seeing the vulnerability and insecurity behind his brown eyes.

"You know that's not true, Zee." Niall speaks softly. "You know I always tease you about looking like a warthog,"

Zayn puffs out a short laugh, and Niall smiles lightly in accomplishment.

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