17 ✧ hugs, happiness & heartbeats

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I'm sorry this update was so late lovelies, I had terrible authors block 🙃

and happy Easter my loves!! I hope you had a great day 🌸❤️



Letter Recap:

Dear S,

You know, it really doesn't matter if you're not 'soaring' like you wish to, you know? Things take time. Besides, rock bottom is a perfect foundation to build yourself upon, yeah? Don't compare your life with others or whether they're happier or not. There's no comparison between the moon and sun— they just shine when it's their time, in their own way. Likewise, you will. Don't think about it too much, and don't look at other's life in envy, yeah?

It's okay, you know? To not be where you want to be yet, or to not have it all figured it out yet. Besides, there's nothing in nature that blooms all year round, right?

Like you said to me, I have shed sweat and tears to become the person I am today. Likewise, you too, have come a long way.

So don't be so hard on yourself, yeah? You're doing the best you can. Because whatever that has happened in your life, it made you who you are now, and let me say this– who you are now, is really bloody fucking amazing. You're one of a kind, so don't try to be who you're not because I think you're amazing either way.

S, I'm sure there are many people out there (me included) who appreciate you, admire you and love you. You shouldn't have to search or wait on love, it'll come naturally to you. You just gotta dig deep and really notice the little things in the people in your life, because no matter what, I'm sure your friends and family and especially your parents still love you dearly. They may not show it, but with them working hard to support you or to put a roof over your head is proof that they do indeed love you. They may not spend much time with you, and that sucks, I know, but that doesn't mean that they love you any less. You're still their child at the end of the day.

Like what I've written in one of our earlier letters: we're all a work in progress– to be the best version of ourselves, the happiest version of ourselves. And I think this 'progress', is never ending, you know? Because it's just human nature, isn't it? To constantly want more. When we're happy, we'll still want more. And maybe it's this want that drives us to chase after our passions.

I then started asking myself, how would I know when I'll be truly happy then?

I still don't know the answer to that. But I really do believe that sometimes the bad times in our lives help put us on a direct path to the best times in our lives, ya know?

So with that, I'll gladly take you up on that deal— seeing what has hurt us as experiences and truths and learn from it.

And yes, like you said, maybe I still have bits and pieces of my broken heart that are still not mended, and yes, maybe despite everything going well for me in my simple life, there's still a little hole in my heart, just waiting to be filled so I can finally be truly happy.

But we're both just on our own roads to happiness, yeah? We'll eventually get there some day. I know you will, because you, S, or should I say, Niall Horan, you're made up of the same things swords and diamonds and gold are made up of, and you will get there someday.

Like you said, we'll soar together yeah? And at both our own times.



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