11 ✧ what makes us happy

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I'm sorry this is so late but I'm currently in Tasmania and it's so bloody beautiful here! I just want to stay here forever!!😍😍😭😭

letter recap:

Dear Harry,
You don't have to thank me, really. But I do understand how you feel— about not worrying what people think. But I've come to learn that there's a difference between worrying about what others think, and caring about what others think. If you worry about what they think, like what you've written, you become too dependent on their validation and you eventually lose your self-worth. But if you care, it means that you respect their opinions, and you'd want to better yourself. But really, sometimes what you just need to focus on, is yourself; because you're a work in progress to become the best version of yourself. It was just a little something I learned back when I almost hit my rock bottom.

I know you'll get there some day.

Warm wishes.


"Hun? Visiting hours are already over. Go home and get some rest, okay? You can come back first thing tomorrow morning." The gentle voice of the nurse rings through his ears, a soft hand placed on his shoulder.

But he shakes his head vehemently, eyes refusing to tear from his unconscious boyfriend.

"I'm not leaving his side." He says adamantly.

Two weeks. His boyfriend has been laying in the hospital for two weeks, and honestly, it's taking a toll on him as well. Dark circles lay big and heavy under his lashes, light completely diminished from his usual vibrant eyes. Cheeks sunken in due to lack of food and his skin is even paler, dry and cold.

Every single night, it's a chore to make him go back home, because to be frank, he's messed up. For the past two weeks he has only been home twice. The rest of the days he has just been taking record fast showers in the patients' toilet and brushing his teeth using a disposable toothbrush. His eating habits? Only vending machine sandwiches for breakfast. Bed time? In the hard plastic chair by the hospital bed.

The nurse sighs, then pulls another green plastic chair up to his side, then takes a seat on it.

"I'm not allowed to do this, but tell you what, how about just for tonight, just go home, take a nice, long shower, get a good night's rest. I'll pull some strings to get a spare bed in this room so that from tomorrow onwards, you'd be able to camp here the next few days. You just need to pack whatever you need."

"Really?" He whispers meekly, lifeless eyes meeting the nurse's brown ones.

"Yes. But promise me you'll get a good night's rest and have a good clean up. I'm sure he wouldn't want to see you like this, you know." The nurse smiles weakly, nodding her head towards his bed ridden boyfriend.

"Okay." He sighs, then nods. "But just give me a few minutes? I'll read the last letter for the day then I'll be off."

"Okay hun." The nurse smiles kindly, gives the lad a gentle pat on the back before standing from her spot and leaving the room.

When he's left alone in the room once again, he releases a shaky sigh, pulling out the envelop he wants from the rectangular teal coloured box.

He pulls the note out, and with a shaky intake of air, he reads...

"Dear S,

I must say, you really are a very insightful lad. I never really thought about caring what others think in that way....

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