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A.n- re coupling outfit above x

I woke up again next to amber and i groaned at the light.

"Hey girlies" I said and got up and went to brush my teeth.

I then put on a neon orange bikini and put my hair in French pleats.

Me, Amy and molly then went for a chat over at the seating area outside.

We all sat down and got comfy

"Before I left the villa I had started to have a bit on an incline that I might love curtis like he's like my absolute  favorite person and I thought I loved him before we came away but then I was like i don't actually know what love is like I do I just really like him how do you know when it crosses over into love" Amy explained and i nodded

"And then being here and not being able to contact him, not being able to see him has been like so gut wrenching for me, I'm like, this is love like 100% and it's just crazy like I never thought that it would happen to me" Amy said

"I fell exactly the same babe" I said "omg this is your first time you have been in love and like its so exciting"

"I know he is my half boyfriend and my best friend like rolled into one I don't think I'm gonna tell him though like I'm happy with my little secret that I know I love him" Amy said

"If you love someone Why not go and tell them, like why not just go and tell them like is it the pride reason is it.." molly said to both of us

"It's not pride I think it's fear because I feel like it's crazy for me to think I'm in love with someone, but it's even crazier for me to think that someone could be in love with me and I think I'm scared of saying it to him and him going" she said and put her thumbs up

"But like he wouldnt though Amz because like he just wouldn't he wouldn't" I said

"I feel like he would just say it out of politeness I think" Amy said

"No he wouldn't he would mean it because at the end of the day like it's been a while now they way this has made you feel has probably made him feel the same thing, what an amazing thing to be able to say to someone like do you know what I've actually fallen in love with you like how exciting" I said

"Yeah I would love to hear someone say that to me so yeah I'm sure he would love to hear me say that" Amy said

"I don't see the point of waiting till he says it to you like what's the bloody point like it's the 21st century" I said and molly agreed

"And you missy" molly said and pointed to me "you need to take some of your own advice"

I laughed and thought about what she said and she was right I do. I trust Anton I do, he is so amazing

I went and sat at the side of the pool with Anna and Amy. We just sat and sunbathed for a bit

Anna's phone then went off

"Oh I got a text" Anna shouted "girls tonight there will be a decoupling in which you must decide whether you want to remain coupled up with your partner back in the main villa or decouple with one of the new boy. #stickortwist #follow your heart"

Me and Amy both looked at each other in excitment

"Ahhh" we both screamed and started running about mental

"We're going home" Amy shouted and I cheered

Everyone laughed at us

"I'm so happy" I said to amber "I can't wait to see his face"

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