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When anton got back from his date he went straight for a chat with the boys and he looked quite happy. Arabella went to speak to lucie and Maura.

Soon after we all went to get ready for tonight. I decided on wearing a pink tight dress. I did natural makeup and left my hair naturally wavy.

When we was done getting ready everyone headed outside and got drinks. I got a Diet Coke and then went and sat with Tom, jordan, Amy, lucie and curtis at the fire pit.

"So nyls how are you feeling about Anton's date" lucie asked

"I have no clue because I don't know how it went" I said and shrugged

"What did he say to you boys" I asked and Jordan looked a bit uncomfortable

"He basically just said that he had a good time but he wants to speak to you tonight and clear the air" curtis said and i nodded

"I have no clue what's gonna happen if he pulls you for a chat it can either go one of two ways" Amy said

"I agree there is either gonna be an argument or we are gonna make up" i said simply and groaned

"He is currently walking over right now" lucie said and i prepared myself

"Here we go" Tom muttered and they all agreed

"Hey Nyla, can I pull you for a chat" I heard Anton's voice and I nodded

"Yeah" i said and stood up and looked at the girls

"Good luck" Amy mouthed to me and i nodded at her as a thank you

He lead me over to the swing and we sat down

"So obviously things have been a bit weird between us today, I just sort of wanted to ask why you have been so off" Anton asked and I let out a small laugh under my breath

"Right ok so remember maybe a day or two ago when you sat me down and told me that you only wanted me and that I was all you wanted" I said and he nodded

"Yeah and i still agree with that"

"So would you like to explain why you were so excited about there being a new girl" I asked trying to keep calm

"I wasnt that excited" he shrugged

"Anton I'm not stupid, i was sat right in front of you this morning when you found out and you started jumping around saying you needed to shower and make yourself look ok! I was sat right there and you knew that" I said loudly

"I didnt mean anything by that" he said back just as loud and I could feel everyone watching us

"Why would you need to make such an effort for another girl if you were only focused on me?" I asked

"Because I'm allowed to get to know other people" he said back getting bored

"I'm not saying that you cant" I said very loud "I'm saying that you said to me that you didn't want anyone else and then you did that right in front of me and got all excited! You wouldn't be like that if you were focused on me. Did you see any of the other boys at all act like that? No! Then when you came over before the date I did not get one bit of reassurance I said have a good time and you said yeah. So you know what anton do what you like, get to know her and do what you want but the fact you can sit there and try and defend yourself when you know I'm right is what's getting to me. You didn't even apologize for getting excited to see another girl right in front of me and lying right to my face"  I ranted

He looked a bit shocked and he just sat there looking down while the whole villa was silent

"Got nothing to say? Didn't think so, you can talk to me when you have grown up" I said

I walked away through the silence and up to amber, Anna and Maura on the day bed who all gave me gave me a hug as everyone got back to their conversations

"I am so proud of you babe for standing up for yourself" amber said and i sighed

"I don't know if I took it too far but I have been treated like shit in past relationships and I just don't want it to happen again" I sighed and put my head in my hands

"Which is so right of you! You know better than to let him treat you like that" Anna said

"I just feel so bad for embarrassing him like I really do like him still" I said and let out a few years

"Don't you dare feel bad! You stood up for yourself which I respect so much. He needs to realize he is in the wrong and you made that happen! I know that you like him I know but he treat you like shit today" maura said

"I know but like up till today he has been so amazing and like is that it all gone now oh my gosh" I said and started crying "that's so embarrassing like I like him so much"

Amber and Anna both hugged me

"Babe listen you are worth so much more than to be ignored all day because there's a new girl ok. That boy needs to realize that he cant have everyone. If he wants you he needs to earn it he can't just have his cake and eat it" maura said

"Thank you guys so much" i said hugging them

After a while it started getting dark and we all begun to get ready for bed.

I picked up Anton's t shirt and considered putting it on but decided against it. I put on my shorts and a t shirt.

Me and Maura decided to sleep outside.

All us girls walked downstairs and into the bedroom.

"Do you want me to go outside?" Anton asked not looking at me

"No its fine me and Maura are going outside, I'll talk to you in the morning ok" I said as he nodded

"Goodnight" He said and looked down as if he had been upset

I couldn't help but give into him

"Goodnight" i said and all the girls hugged me before me and Maura went outside

We both lay down in the bed and got comfy

"Are you ok" she asked and i nodded

"Yeah I just like him so much like I cant believe this happened" I said

"I know but think about it if it's meant to be there is is always gonna be bumps in the road and if you and anton are meant to be this is just one little tiny bump. There's always gonna be arguments. Just speak to him tomorrow when you are both feeling better" maura said and I cuddled up to her

"Thank you so much I love you" i said with my head on my her chest as she comforted me

"I love you too nyls, now get some sleep ok" she said I nodded

I soon fell asleep thinking about anton and wishing I was lying with him

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