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After the talk with Gloria, flaca was a lot calmer than before. She had embraced everything she heard and was now decided to make juliana love her. And she wouldn't accept "no" for an answer. So she woke up earlier than maritza the next day, took a delightful shower and started to fix herself. She needed to look good, the Ramos girls preferred it that way. When she came back to her bunk, maritza had this huge smile on her face, the kind of smile that could light a fire by itself.

- what's that smile for? Caputo finally decided that if one of the visitors drops a make up item you get to keep them? - her girlfriend's poke didn't do a thing for her, the tiny woman was beyond excited.

- She's coming, flaca! I'm seeing my baby today- ok, maybe even flaca had to crack a smile after that. Seeing her girlfriend that excited about seeing juliana did warm her heart in a way she couldn't explain.

- yes, baby, she is. I can't wait to meet her - she heard before she saw her girlfriend's attitude change. Maritza went silent and stiff out of the blue. Flaca turned to her girl trying but failing miserably to hide her confused face - what's it, baby? Why the sudden change? You were literally jumping on our bed seconds ago - Maritza had her eyes glued to the wall, the scratches in it were suddenly very interesting. Flaca heard a loud sigh coming from her before she finally started talking.

- are you really? - the frown flaca had In her face just depended at that. Seeing that, maritza continued- want to meet her? Do you really want to meet juliana? - is that even a question? Flaca thought to herself- of course it is flaca - ooops she thought out loud- you don't have to do it now if you don't want to. I don't want you to do it because you feel obligated.

- baby - she took a step closer to the very wrong woman in front of her- I WANT to meet her - the smaller woman still looked unsure- you're always rambling about how cute juliana is and how she's going to break a thousand hearts once she's grown - "she will"- see? And gloria told me she is just like you, small but really cute. And I happen to have a soft spot for cute little women - maritza pouted at that.

- So you're with me just because I'm little and cute? - that made flaca chuckle.

- of course that's not why, babe. I'm with you because you're MY tiny cute woman and I love you more that words could say - a small smile showed itself on maritza's lips.

- ugh, you're good at this - she said pulling her tall girlfriend towards her.

- of course I am. I happen to be the expert in all things maritza Ramos - maritza pulled away a little bit so she could look flaca in the eyes for a while, caressing her long hair.

- God, I'm love you so much, I'm not sure it's real sometimes - she felt flaca's kiss at her hair and smiled a megawatt smile - I'm calmer now, want to go outside and wait for her? - flaca just nodded- let's go then, but wait for me, I have little legs - flaca's laughed out loud at that which made her recieve a playful slap in the arm from the other girl - let's go before gloria comes for us and then we'll be dead.

They didn't have to wait long for juliana to arrive, her tiny legs slowing her down at her task: launch herself at her mom. The mother/daughter duo stayed glued for a couple of minutes, no one daring to break them apart. The view was to cute and touching for them to do so. Flaca's heart was almost out of her chest, maritza and a little kid that looked just like her was too close to her hopeful dreams and it made her feel things. Love being the biggest of them all. It's crazy, she haven't even said hi to this little girl and she already loves her so much, would go to the end of the earth to protect her. It must be because she looks exactly like Mari and she loves Mari so much and would do that for her.She knew it was a dangerous feeling, and a wishful one. But what could she do? That's the Ramos women effect. Her thoughts were interrupted when curious eyes peeked from her mom's shoulder. She offered the kid a smile, making her feel at ease, and recieved a shy smile back. Juliana was too cute for her own good. But of course nothing was that easy for her right? The destiny had to throw something her way to make this moment more difficult, right? That's the only explanation for daya passing by that exact moment, trip over a rock and step on her feet, right? - FUC-FUDGE! - She looked worried at maritza, to see if her girlfriend had caught on her slip. According to the warning on the girl's face, she had caught on and was not happy. Great, now maritza won't want her near the kid because she's a bad example, congrats on fucking things up before things even began. IDIOTA.

- I LOVE FUDGE! - a high pitched voice screamed of excitement, startling flaca out of her thoughts - do you like it, too?- juliana was looking at her waiting for her answer, the curly hair made her even cuter when she was eager like this.

- sure, honey. It's really good - that sent the girl on a loop of excitement. Flaca found it adorable.

- RIGHT? IT'S SO FLUFFY AND IT TASTES REALLY GOOD. THE COOKIES AND CREAM ONES ARE MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD! Mami does them better than tia though - she said the Last part with sadness and flaca could not take it. She got closer to the little girl and started to play with the curls in her hair.

- what about pizza? Do you like it? Your mami is an enthusiast - the kid jumped twice her high and started squirming to get out of her mother's hug.

- OH MY GOD! YES! I LOVE PIZZA TOO! I'M JUST LIKE YOU MAMI! - Maritza couldn't hold her laughter after her daughter looked at her with those excited eyes.

- Have you eaten, baby girl? There's pizza right there, it's a special treat because of mother's day. We could bring your mami some?- she almost didn't get to finish her sentence because a tiny hand had snatched hers and started to pull her towards the pizza table.

- LET'S GO, FLACA! - the Latina looked at the girl like she had grown a second head.

- how do you know my name?

- duh, Mami is always talking about this best friend of hers and how she's so tall - she pointed at flaca's head to prove her point- and sooo pretty - she pointed at her face - and ooo so nice and treats her so well - she pointed a finger between flaca and herself, trying to make flaca understand- and you did all those things since I got here so you're flaca - flaca had to admit she was out of answers for that. She couldn't believe maritza talked those nice things about her to her 5 years old daughter even before they were together. Their relationship was always strong, but she never thought maritza would believe it was strong enough to talk to juliana about her. Clearly she was wrong. Once her mind had settled, she looked back at maritza with a huge grin on her face.

- your mami thinks I'm beautiful, huh, kid? - maritza's face went red right there, embarrassment taking over her. Before flaca could tease her more, juliana finally lost her patience and pulled harder on flaca's hand so she could finally get her holly pizza.

Looking at that scene, her daughter and the love of her life getting along so well, maritza's heart almost stopped. She was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't notice Gloria's presence until the older woman was right by her side, their shoulders touching.

- I told you so - for the first time ever, maybe maritza didn't mind hearing it.

* so, it's been almost a year but I thought that maybe it was worth a shot
** I'll try to update twice a month, but it might be once a month when my tests come around.
*** they did flaritza dirty so I kinda had to keep writing this. I'm mad
****sorry for any mistakes

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