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After Ruiz left, Maritza kept ogling her girlfriend for a couple more minutes until she realized how creepy she was being. Flaca was working and she was sexualizing her, she should be ashamed of herself, she was like those creepy old man at the streets. She got up and headed towards the kitchen to join Gloria and try to distract herself from her dirty thoughts. It did the job well enough, that's until dinner time, when flaca joined them at the table. Maritza kept quiet the entire meal, which was weird for her, considering she's always the one to make everyone laugh. Flaca noticed that, but assumed it was only because she might be embarrassed of being so surprised with her good performance today at the audition. So she let the girl be.

But weeks went by and maritza stayed that way. Every time she was around Flaca, she would stay quiet and if they were to kiss it would be a little peck. She slept on her own bed and will always be already asleep (or she would pretend to be) when flaca arrived from the rehearsals. It was like she was running from flaca and that was a problem.
Flaca was worried now, at first she thought her girlfriend was just embarrassed for underestimating her, but now she was starting to think she might have read the entire situation the wrong way. That terrified her, how could it be that she had not noticed her girlfriend was strange, even distant? What kind of girlfriend was she If, at the first opportunity, she put their relationship aside? God, she's so stupid for not seeing it earlier. Maritza must think she doesn't care about her, she screwed up, but She was determined to reverse the situation.
After getting up from her bed, Flaca rushed towards Gloria to see if she knew something that could help her fix this. When she got to Gloria's, the older woman was barely awake and didn't seem to be enjoying the fact that there was already someone needing her that early in the morning. Before she could even kick flaca out of there, the girl started talking.

- I know it's way too early in the morning for me to be here, but it's urgent! - Gloria found that strange, flaca wouldn't usually come to her for help, like maritza did. So this must be something important.

- what? Did something happen? Is maritza okay? Did she bought the chocolate covered peanuts from the commissary again? That bitch knows she's allergic - her words were mad but worried at the same time. She remembered the last time maritza accidentally ate peanuts and it wasn't pretty. The girl started to go red and her eyes were almost jumping out of her face. She was very scared, she got so worried about her girl she lost sleep for three nights straight so she could stay by her side and make sure she was ok.

- No, Gods, it's nothing with her health - gloria breathed, relieved- but she's been acting strange for the last couple of weeks, Gloria. And I think it's because something I did. Have you noticed anything unusual about her? - The woman paused for a minute, fishing for something that might have been different about her little girl.

- honestly, I haven't seen nothing that different with her lately. She's spending a lot of time with me in the kitchen and she's been helpful, believe it or not - ok, that was weird for flaca. Maritza was never good with any of the kitchen activities. How did she suddenly become so good at it? - But, now that I think about it, there is something unusual about her - flaca was all ears - she hasn't talked about you a lot, almost never to be honest - hearing that hurt Flaca more than a thousand knives ever could - yes, Dios mio, that is so strange because that girl wouldn't shut up about you since she came back. And now she suddenly stops? - she turned to flaca - what did you do? - if flaca was not so worried, she probably would have been offended by the other woman's words.

- Nothing! What made you think I would ever do something to her? I love her, you know? - she was annoyed with Gloria now

- she wouldn't be like that for nothing, flaca. Something happened to that girl and you better find out - she paused - Soon -and left her bunk to do her morning hygiene. Even though gloria didn't know much, she still helped flaca finding out what to do about her relationship with maritza: Talk to her and ask what's wrong. When she came back to their bunk, maritza was no longer there so she started to look for her. An hour later, she still hadn't found her, which hurt her even more. If she had suspicions that maritza was avoiding her before, now she was sure. Knowing the smaller girl wouldn't come back to their cube any time soon, she decided to confront her at night, so the girl couldn't dodge her presence anymore.

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