Gilded Chains exerpt

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They found themselves falling into a pattern of lazy mornings, often not rising until a droid or servant boy came in with their breakfast plate. Every day would start in enjoyment of the other's company, long over the body shyness of the first day.

Soft mornings full of warm laughter and sappy compliments. Thrawn's broad chest making for the perfect pillow as Ezra drifted in and out of a peaceful haze.

If only they had their freedom. Although the pair was reminded every  day that their closeness would never last, that if they ever ran away they would have to choose between 'love' and 'career'.

Nither was ready or willing to join the others cause, and dispite spending as much time as they could bare hunting for a way out...

their 'master' always told them that they would thrive if they just behaved. If they did what they were brought here to do. She promised a small home with windows and a chance to feel the sun on their skin. Or the bite of winter's first snowfall on Thrawns finger tips. Or a thousand other small pleasures awaiting just outside the small room.

All they had to do was fall in love, start a family. They would never have to work or fight for anything.

It still sounds too good to be true.

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